What is immune booster? Most of us think we know what it is. I know that I thought I knew what it was until I starting doing some research on how to boost my immune system. With COVID-19, AkA the CoronaVirus, still in full swing, I thought it would be a great idea to boost up my immune system. Immune supplements, vitamins and minerals seemed to be a good way to go. Also, getting some exercise, I said some…not a fan of exercise, plenty of sleep and a healthy diet wouldn’t hurt either. However, during my research, I discovered some very interesting facts about immune boosters and boosting your immune system. But you can still get some supplements and help your body become as healthy as possible. Shop now and have it delivered to your door.
As I stated, I have been doing some research on what is immune boosters. More importantly, I wanted to find a way to boost my immune system to help prevent or reduce the chance of illness and sickness. But did you know what I have discovered, You cannot boost your immune system!! Although there is still some debate among scientist about this, there is some common finds I would like to share.
The Immune System Boosters – What is Immune Booster
According to some of the researchers, you cannot “booster” your immune system. You cannot override or overpower your system to make it function better. It has to be in balance. Your Immune system is a fine tuned machine. Its design is specifically to keep you healthy and to weed out any foreign anomolies that get into your body.
Most of us think when we sneeze we are catching a cold or allergic to something. In fact, that is just your bodies and immune system reacting to something that is foreign to it. That is its way of purging it. Same can be said for runny nose and fever. That is just your bodies reaction to its doing its job.
Your immune system is like a well tuned Army platoon. It has the white blood cells that are ready for battle. By combating and destroying the virus or infection, your “symptoms” are a direct result of the battle raging in your body. Your immune system is at work. Your symptoms are not a result of you being sick. They are a direct result of your immune system in balance. Fighting off whatever is attacking your body. As a result, having a snotty nose, fever and hot/cold flashes are good. Your body’s immune system is hard at work.
Truths and Myths: What is Immune Booster
As with anything, there are some truths and myths about boosting your immune system. You want your immune system to be in balance and in harmony with your body. So, basically what you need to do is keep your body in balance. How to do that you say. There are a few simple things to do. We all hear it everything we go for a check up with our doctors. So let’s see what are Truths and what are Myths.
- Eating healthy – Truth or Myth? This is a truth. Eating healthy with fruits and veggies and a balanced diet goes a long way into maintaining a healthy body and balanced immune system. I am Southern, so I eat fried foods, starches as well as fresh veggies and fruits. I rarely get sick. But when I do, it doesn’t last for long.
- Taking Vitamins and supplements: Truth or Myth? This is a myth according to most researchers. Although taking immune booster supplements and vitamins claim to help boost your immunity, it only helps your body stay in optimum performance levels. Remember, you want your immune system to be in balance.
- Getting at least 8 hours sleep – Truth or Myth? This is truth. Your body needs that down time to restore itself. As the body sleeps, your functions have a chance to slow and recoup as well. Your blood flow decreases as your heart slows while you sleep. Your cells have a chance to regenerate and heal. Healing takes place while you sleep. So when you are sick and you sleep, that is a good thing. That is your body’s immune system taking over. The immune boosting army is at work. Sleeping helps your body fight the infections and viruses without having to supply extra nutrients and supplements to an active host. SO sleep and rest when you notice the symptoms of your immune system at work.
Alternative Sources of Immune Boosters
We all know of the traditional sources that claim to boost our immune systems. But according to what you have just read and my research, we want to balance our systems not boost it. Traditional means include vitamins, minerals, supplements, veggies, fruits and some dairy products. But over in Cuba and the Caribbean Islands, they have been using a holistic solution to boost their immunity systems or balance their immune system. Believe it or not, it is with a scorpion. Not any scorpion but a Blue Scorpion. Research and a team of experts have found a way to harness and extract the active antigen in the scorpion toxin and create a peptide. This peptide houses the active ingredient for both healing and restorative properties. Blue scorpion Venom products are fast becoming the go to alternative holistic remedy for arthritis pain, joint and back aches and pains, and even mentral afflictions we ladies suffer from monthly. Read more about this amazing alternative therapy.
In my opinion of what is immune booster and if they help, I say “I can’t hurt”. According to most researchers, a balanced immune system keeps you healthy. However, if your body is not at its peak conditioning, then your immune system will not work properly. So taking those vitamins and immune boosters still help the body enable the immune system to do its job. As a result, don’t neglect your body. Eat healthy, drink plenty of fluids, exercise…UGH, and rest. And if you want to take something to help your body fight off infections and viruses, by all means do so. It will only strenghten your body and allow your immune system to work its magic.
So remember, those sniffling, sneezing, coughing, achy, fever and sleep are not a product of being sick. It is a result of your awesome immune system at work. So let it work! Eat, drink and rest. Your body will be glad that you did.
PS: Don’t forget to give your brain a boost too. With SNAP, slurp and swallow, you can improve your brain function, cognitive ability, reduce mood swings and improve focus. If this is something you need, read more about it by following this trail.