Nutrient Dense Beef – Where Flavor Meets Nature’s Wisdom

From the farm to your table, this nutrient dense beef is delivered right to your door

In the heart of the rugged and magnificent arid mountain west, something extraordinary is born – a rare, nutrient-dense beef that embodies the essence of nature. Meet Certified Country, a pinnacle of flavor and sustenance, nurtured in harmony with the laws of the land.

As a Native American of the Lumbee Tribe, it is wonderful to see that the rancher has finally seen the light. Nature really does not what she is doing. By allowing the animals to graze the lands, they actually help thee lands. In return, the land provides the right nutrients and mineral to enhance the meats of the grazers. So, it is now being proven that limited rotation of grazing animals on farms actually can produce a better product in both meat and veggies.

Order Your Nutrient-Dense, Grass-Fed beef today and be prepared for any Holiday dinner, get together, social event or gift giving idea.

Our Philosophy: Nature’s Rhythm, Nutrient-Dense Bounty

As Native American, it has always been our belief that the best things in life are nurtured slowly and authentically. Thereby, we echo the timeless wisdom of nature. As a result, this product of double-aged, nutrient-rich beef is the epitome of this philosophy. This type of beef prioritize not only the protein but recognize the essential role fat plays as fuel and nutrient storage.

In the arid mountain west, a resilient yet fragile ecosystem thrives. The wild west has always been the place to get the best beef throughout history. So, it stands to reason that it is here that our journey begins. Here these cattle roam over 40,000 wild acres. They are able to feast on the natural bounty provided by the earth. These amazing ranchers invest in the land. They finally understand that a healthy soil foundation creates the most nutrient-dense and flavorsome beef. Soil health and beef is the new norm. Hence, it guides us towards the true essence of the land.

A Symphony of Nature’s Flavors – Nutrient Dense Beef

You need this amazing nutrient dense beef for your table

The journey of nutrient dense beef is a dedication to time and respect for nature’s course. The ranchers who discovered this amazing process only harvest animals aged between 4 to 14 years. It is a testament to our belief that like fine wine, the flavor and richness of our beef enhance with age.

Our cattle spend their lives freely grazing in bio-dynamically active soils. By allowing this, it fosters the growth of native vegetation through the natural cycle of nutrients. The result is a profoundly distilled flavor profile and a nutrient-dense beef composition. As a result, this process creates a culinary symphony of flavor that dances on the taste buds.

Mouth watering grilling nutrient dense beef has more taste and flavor than your average beef products.

Aged beef is just like a fine wine. The longer the beef has to absorb the nutrients from the food it consumes, the better it tastes. So, it is only logical to let the cattle age before harvesting it. Even hunters will not harvest an animal less than 4 years old. Why? By that age, they have passed on their genetic code to their offspring. They have also absorbed more nutrients and gained that natural body mass. Therefore, the animal will provide more food for the table and have a more delicious and flavorful flavor.

Guardians of the Land

This nutrient dense beef is 64% higher in concentration of metabolic nutrients than average grass-fed beef.

The Native Americans have always been the guardians of the land. We lived off the lands. As a result, we had to make sure that all the animals that used the land we also protected. We used the animal as our food, clothes and essentials. We also needed them to help us to ensure the land stayed fertile. It also had to sustain both people and other animals. As a result, there was a direct relationship between the animal, land and humans. As the land become more populated, this well-balanced system was disrupted. However, some farmers and ranchers are bring this ecosystem back to fruition.

The ranchers who are bring up this amazing nutrient dense beef are one of the few ranchers bringing this ecosystem back to life. To them, being stewards of the land is a profound responsibility. Their approach is regenerative and restorative, embracing a commitment to ‘do no harm.’ There vision is of a future where the land thrives, nourishing generations to come. As landowners, farmers and ranchers, they proudly uphold the the belief of harmony between land and animal. This belief is born from the legacy of our forefathers, The Native American and a reverence for nature’s teachings.

Trust Your Senses, Trust Your Tastes

We invite you, the discerning consumer, to not just trust a label, but to trust your own experience. As you savor the extraordinary flavors and nutrient-dense beef of Certified Country, know that you’re partaking in a legacy of respect for nature and commitment to future generations.

As a meat lover myself, I am looking forward to this taste explosion of flavors. Pairs with a great wine, side items and wonderful friends, my meals will become a truly remarkable event. With age old recipes handed down through generations, these meats will be make my grandma’s recipes even better.

Certified Country – where the richness of tradition meets the wisdom of nature, delivering some of the most natural grass-fed beef and nutrient dense meats you’ll ever taste. Looking for a receipt to try with these amazing meats, then check out these recipes.