The Road to Success – Under Construction

The Road to Success – Under Construction is always going to be the norm. You say that is a negative statement. I say why?! The road to success should always be an ongoing construction zone. If you are planning to have any success much less great success, then you should always be developing, growing, changing and learning.

Always Grow, Develop, Experience and change

The Road to Success is not only a physical accomplishment but also a mind set. My father always said that you should never let your mind be idle. Use it to either help your family, friends or mankind. God gave us a brain to help us get through this world. With technology today and all the learning we have at our fingertips, there should be nothing holding us from achieving our goals.

So why are we still struggling?!

  • Confidence
  • Lack of support
  • Drive and determination
  • Time and Energy
  • Dream too small
  • Finances

Do any of these explain why you have given up on your Road to Success? They all seem to be good and valid reasons. How about we break them down and see if we cannot find a solution.


I believe we all struggle with this at some point in our lives. Whether it was in high school, college, that new job, or having to get into anything new and different. Life sometimes gets us out of our comfort zones and we don’t like it. We are set in our ways and are reluctant to change. However, change can be good, if we give it a try with all that we have.

Having confidence in yourself does not mean that you are never afraid to try. It just means that you try anyway. Knowing that you will fail or success should not be your determining factor. Knowing that you tried and did your best is what truly matters. Your success is found in getting back up and trying again. Stupidity and failure result in trying the same thing the same way over and over and wanting a different result.

As an inventor, Edison made 1,000 unsuccessful attempts at inventing the light bulb. When a reporter asked, “How did it feel to fail 1,000 times?” Edison replied, “I didn’t fail 1,000 times. The light bulb was an invention with 1,000 steps.”

Edison was one of our greatest inventors and yet he failed but kept trying until he succeeded. If he had not, we would probably still be in the dark. So how many times will you try?

Lack of Support

Lack of support is usually the downfall of many who are on the Road to success. Sometimes, those who should be our biggest supporters are usually those who hold us back the most or are the most negative about what we want to accomplish. The sad thing about this is there really isn’t anything we can do about it other than prove them wrong. Yes, it hurts. We can become depressed, frustrated and disappointed. However, we cannot let them deter us from what we want to accomplish.

The solution is to find like-minded, goal-oriented people to surround yourself with. Those who can lift you up, give you the advice you need, the knowledge and skill and most of all be there for you during your successes AND your failures. Only through your failures will you learn how to be successful. Build yourself a strong support outlet with successful-driven people and let the rest take care of itself. They will come around when they see that you do not give up and that nothing will stand in your way on Your Road to Success.

Drive and Determination

What is your drive, determination and motivation?! Are they strong enough to weather any storm or adversity? Have a close look to see if they will hold up. If these are weak, the smallest problem with throw you off your Road to Success. YOU will need to dig deep to find that one thing, that one driving force, that determining factor and motivator that will make you stay your course no matter the storm or adversity. Your drive and determination, your core values are what will see you through.

Time and Energy

Time and energy seems to be a big issue on the Road to Success. But guess what, we all have 24-hours in a day, no more and no less. What we do in that time will determine the outcome of your success. Idle time is the devil’s playground my father always tells me. If you have idle time, you are wasting time. The Road to Success does not give you time to be idle.

road to success
What will you make of your time?!

Do YOU have idle time? Are you watching TV when you could be working on your Road to Success? Did you party with your friends one night to often? How about taking that afternoon to just laze about? Or did you have one of those days when you just didn’t want to do anything? So, you didn’t.

There is nothing wrong with having a relaxing day off. Especially for family and to reset, refocus and recommit. However, everything should have a priority when you are on your Road to Success. So be mindful of your idle time.

Dream too small – Dream BIG!!

Sometimes we dream too small. Set limits on our success or our expectations too high. This can lead to frustration and ultimately cause us to give up and quit trying. The Road to Success is only as long as your dream is big. Set goals and time limits with reasonable expectations. Think about all you want to accomplish and make a plan along with a way to set that plan into motion. Allow for setbacks, failures, and in general LIFE!!! Life is too unpredictable no matter how much we think we have everything under control. Plan for the unexpected. Make your dreams big but tangible. Set stepping stones along the way to the ultimate dream. Small accomplishments will make the failures less painful but give you the drive to continue.


Finances are the biggest obstacle in the Road to Success. How many times have your heard, “I want to see money coming in before I invest into anything.” I want to say that is not the right state of mind in becoming a success. You not only have to invest in yourself but also invest in your business and dream. Get out of the consumer mindset and into the business mindset. Yes, you are going to have to spend and invest money to get your dreams and goals off the ground. How are you going to see any return on nothing? If you have a monetary investing in not only yourself but your business, you will work that much harder to make it successful.

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So quit making that excuse and that is exactly what it is – an excuse. That is your safety net for when you feel the pressure and want to quit, give up or call it a bust. You didn’t invest much so you didn’t lose much. Guess what, you also didn’t gain much because you didn’t have the confidence in yourself, the support, the drive and determination, time and energy to make your financial situation better. That would require work, determination, and yes a monetary investment in yourself and your business.

Road to Success: Conclusion

If you ever think your Road to Success is complete or finished, then you have given up. Your dream is too small or you are too selfish. If you have success, then it is up to you to help others either achieve success or help those less fortunate.

Successful people are not immune to failure. They just figure a way to not make the same mistake, have a great support team or group, put the time, effort, drive and determination and invest in themselves to keep going. Guess what that is called – WORK!!! These same people do not allow the negatives to overtake them. However, they have a few rules that they all seem to follow.

  • They Never give up
  • Never give in
  • They never quit
  • They always keep trying
  • Work, Work, Work to accomplish your goals

So as I said from the beginning, the Road to Success is always under construction. Even in your success you will always continue building, growing and working because it is who you are.

  • You will continue to grow
  • Continue to build
  • Always learning
  • Updating constantly
  • Build to help others
  • Teach and train others to succeed
  • Continue to WORK
  • And most of all NEVER QUIT

So Build your Road to Success and continue growing, developing and in the end all your dreams will come true.


Along the way, celebrate your successes big and small. Enjoy yourself. Now you can take time to relax and enjoy the fruits of your labor. Sit back and enjoy a glass of your favorite wine from your own wine club. Have a great meal either at home or out on the town. Travel and see the world. Then, come back refreshed, refocused and recommitted to continue on your Road to Success.

Wine club
A romantic picnic on the beach to relax and celebrate your success