Wine with the perfect meal

Wine with the perfect mealWine with the perfect meal makes for a great date night escape. As with all working couples, finding the time for a quiet meal, glass of fine wine and alone time together can be difficult. Most of us often times grab a quick meal at a fast food place or fix something fast at home.  Our quiet time is usually when we say our good nights. Setting aside one night weekly for yourselves as a couple is just the fix to help you stay connected. Wine with the perfect meal

I love to cook and trying out new recipes. My husband loves it too.  However, time seems to get away from us and we don’t get to sit down and enjoy meals as we once did.  Recently, I found myself without a job and decided not to return to the work force.  I since returned to my love of cooking.  As time goes on we all start to try different things.  Wine is one of my new things that I have discovered.

Wine with the perfect meal

Wine seems to be the drink of choice for today’s growing population.  Although wine has been around it seems since the beginning of time, its popularity is increasing.   I admit that I don’t know that much about wine, but I am slowly discovering that wine goes with everything.

Where to Start

It starts with a Fine Wine.  Then you pair it with the perfect foods, and turn the Meal into an “Event”.  From food pairings such as fruit, cheeses, chocolate to the more complete Dish to accompany the Fine Wine.  Wine Magic will be happening with each taste, sip, and repeated Joy with each Bite, each swallow.

Wine with the perfect mealMany of us do not know enough about the many different wines and different varieties of wines.  More so, we have not experienced enough of these different wines to know what pairs best with them, other than trial and error.  Or maybe you have been fortunate enough to go with a suggest Wine and Food pairing at a Fancy Restaurant, or with a Wine knowledgeable friend.

As I have admitted, my wine knowledge is very limited. However with our wine club, their wine comes with an information card that not only tells about the wine and grapes but also what to pair it with.  I am still learning the different kinds of wine but I feel that I have a great start.  Some people say that there is no such thing as a bad wine.  You just need to find what to pair it with.  Our wine club offers just such advise. They not only give you the best wine from the most select vineyards, but also what to put with that wine.

Here is a couple of my attempts lately with a Malbec Wine from my Wine Ambassador wine club.  It turned out pretty well I think.

Seared steak with caramelized pepper and onions with steamed broccoli and baked potato with butter, cheese and chives.  I served this with a Malbec.  I don’t know if this was the right wine but it made my table look great.

My other meal served with this same wine was Beef tips smothered in red peppers and onions with a light gravy, steamed broccoli and rice.

I don’t know about you but I feel like I hit the nail on the head with these meals.  Not only did they look good but they tasted great.  My husband and I had a great date night.  We talked about all the things we plan for the summer and generally just caught up and reconnected with each other.  It was a wonderful time together.

Do You need alone time

If you feel you and your significant other needs to reconnect, then maybe a great night together with a home-cooked meal, a glass of fine wine and great conversation is just what you need. With Wine Ambassador, you can get fine wines and also meal suggestions to do just that.  Staying connected with each other is the what keeps the spark in any relationship.  Don’t let the spark go out.  Keep it alive with something as simple as a date night. You will not believe how much you both need it until you do it.  Wine with the perfect meal

Visit Wine Ambassador and find out how you can get started with getting that fine wine to enhance your date night meal… then relax and enjoy each other.