
Germaphobia and our immune system I think is an underlying cause to our overall poor ability to fight off sickness. What did we do before we had all this hand sanitizer, gels and other at the ready disinfectants. We washed our hands when we got the chance. Maybe we were a bit more diligent about touching things. Could our carelessness be a root cause as to why our germaphobia has suddenly become such an obsession. How did our parents, grandparents or even great-grandparents handle being clean and germs?

Dirt is healthy!!!!


I know that my parents were hard workers. My father was a lab technician and my mother was an accountant. They both worked in a large factory with hundreds of people around them. My father worked with chemicals on a daily basis. I am sure neither of them went to the bathroom every time they felt that a germ had crept upon them. Nor did they have a bottle of hand sanitizer hanging around their belt loop or in their pockets. They ate healthy, exercised normally, and kept themselves cleaned. I don’t remember either of my parents becoming deathly ill from a cold or remember any type of outbreak like we have now. I remember when the flu was going around but they did not catch it. Makes me wonder why.

Older Generations

My grand parents were farmers.  They worked and lived off the land.  I remember my grandmother killing and cooking animals directly from the yard!!! She used a cast iron frying pan to fry all her meats.  Guess what happened using that pot?!  Small amounts of iron were deposited into the food that was cooked in that pan.  There was never an issue with the older generations, at least in my family, suffering from iron deficiency.  They always got their iron from their food and literally from their cooking utensilsgermaphobia

Living off the land also enabled them to live a healthier lifestyle.  Germaphobia today would not allow for eating fresh veggies straight from the field.  You would need to bring them inside and wash them thoroughly and possibly remove the peelings.  NO dirt will be allowed to be consumed.  Well, I remember eating cucumbers right off the vine.  Just wiped them off on my pants, removed the tips with my hands and munched away.  Cannot do that today with all the pesticides and chemicals found in the soil.  


Our bodies need some germs to help build up our immune system.  Without being exposed to these types of germs, we would not be able to fight them off.  Have you ever had the chicken pox?  Do you remember what your parents did when they found out a friend had them?  I do.  You were exposed to that friend in the hopes that you would get the chicken pox at a young age.  Most of the time you got them.  But your body built up an immunity to that particular virus so that you would not get it again any time soon. However, some form will always stay in your system and your germaphobiabody will constantly be building antibodies to fight it.  

This is the case with any type of virus or bacteria you are exposed to.  Our bodies are made to be able to combat sickness, germs, viruses and bacteria.  However, if we do not allow our bodies to be exposed to these things, how will it develop these antibodies?  How will we be able to fight it off?  Being exposed will allow our bodies to see, feel and sense this new threat. Thereby, it will combat it by developing antibodies in our system.  If we are in good health prior to the show of symptoms, our bodies have a better chance of fighting whatever germ, bacteria or virus.  So eat healthy, exercise, drink plenty of water.  But most of all, keep your body clean.  Which is not germ free, but hygienically clean.  Soap and water goes a long way. 

Heart Health and Wine

As a side note, did you know that red wine has great health benefits as well.  Only 6-8 oz a night is all you need.  However, you need to make sure that it is a great fine wine.  Not a punch, mass produced wine that you get from your local store.  You want great, quality wine that you get from Napa and Sonoma Valleys. Oh, you can’t get there for whatever reason.  Well you don’t have to.  You can have it delivered directly to your door.  Imagine, with the current situation, you don’t have to leave your home to enjoy great fine, heart-healthy wines. 


Our current generation equates hygiene with germ free. I think this is where our issues have come into play. With germaphobia so prevalent, we sanitize and wash our hands and bodies more often to avoid germs. As a result, our bodies never get a chance to develop the antibodies needed to fight off any new threats to it.

We also have become a microwave society. The need to have everything now has made us a bit lazy, entitled and not in the best of health. Fast food and eating on the run has replaced sitting down at home with family. Processed foods have replaced farm, fresh, home-grown fruits and vegetables. How many of you buy that fruit and veggie wash to clean your food before you eat them? Do you peel all your fruits and veggies? If you do, you are losing valuable antioxidants, nutrients as well as vital, yes, germs that your body needs. So think twice before removing the outer layer of your fruits and veggies. Also, maybe visit a farmers market and get you some fresh veggies and fruits. You will be surprised by the difference in taste and appearance.


Yes, cleanliness is needed and much appreciated. However, we don’t need to go overboard!!! The constant use of hand sanitizer is a bit much. It can also be offensive to the person your are with. They may think that you are feeling a little germaphobic around them or towards them. Just remember, our bodies are a machine. It functions to make us a better and healthier individual. If we keep it from doing its job of developing basically battle plans and soldiers to fight off illness, how do we expect to always be healthy?

This new scare that is sweeping the world, COVID-19 or the coronavirus, has been around for decades without such severe consequences. But now in the last few months, it has caused deaths across the globe. The outbreaks and potential contamination of others has basically shut down the world. People are quarantined and staying home. There are businesses and schools closings. My question to you is what has happened in the last few decades to cause this phenomena to occur. Has germaphobia swept across the world so bad that we can no longer combat these viruses?

Soap and hot water is the best way to clean yourself. Washing your hand occasionally or when needed. Eat good, healthy foods and on a regular basis. Being skinny this day and time may not be the best course of action. Get a good night’s sleep and rest when you tired. But most of all, just wash yourself daily. Also, give your immune system a boost whenever possible. There are some great products out there to help with that.


As Christians and God-fearing people, this should be our time to show the world the power of prayer, our belief and faith in our Lord and Savior. Why are the churches closing? Where are the prayer groups and prayer warriors? According to my bible, his words tells me that if his people will gather and call out my name, then I will heal their lands and their people. So why are we not doing this?! Again, this is just my opinion but come on people. The end of days is near. Now is the time for us to spread the love and word of God to ALL his people. This epidemic is not just here in the US but it has reached out in a global scale. So let’s get on our knees and pray!!!


So in my conclusion on germaphobia is to use common sense. These viruses and bacteria have been around since the beginning of time. Some have developed over the years. However, it just seems that in the last few decades, these viruses seem to pose more of a threat than in past generations. We need to look at our culture and make sure that we are not making things worse by being “too clean”. Our bodies need these germs to maintain a good immunity system. Without it, we become susceptible to old viruses and bacteria. So, I challenge you today to look at yourself and see if you are doing anything to help or hinder your own body’s immune fighting capabilities. Are you too clean? Have you become a germaphobe and developed germaphobia?