Age-Appropriate Fashions – When to Start

Age-appropriate fashions – what is that? Fashion is the way to make a statement about yourself, your ideas and your outlook on life. It is a way that especially women like to use fashion to express themselves. Fashion gives them a sense of confidence, appeal, sexuality and desirability. Fashion goes a long way in attracting or drawing people to you. Your fashion sense can be a catalyst to bridging the gap or opening a conversation to strangers, people of influence or even could get you that job you want so bad.

Your dress and appearance is a direct reflection of how you present yourself to the world. How people perceive you based on your appearance can be both good and bad. Hence, age-appropriate fashion.


age-appropriate fashion
Classy and Sexy

I ask myself that question all the time.  Is age-appropriate fashion based strictly on your age, your personality or do you base it on your size.  If you feel 25 but are a bit older, is it appropriate to dress like a 25 year-old.  Is the other scenario true? If you are 25, is it okay to dress like the “old-aged” grandma?  What really is the criteria to determine what is age-appropriate fashion.

There are so many cute and trendy fashions out there that sometimes I just want to try them all.  From BodyCon to Gucci, form-fitted to flowing and elegant.  The choices are endless.  But there again you have the question, is this age appropriate for me.  Can I, in good taste, wear this outfit and not make myself look like a fool or get laughed at?  You, as a woman, always want to look your best for any and all occasions, but not at the expense of  your pride and respect.  What you might think looks awesome and amazing on you, can in reality look out-of-place and inappropriate.  So how do you determine what to wear?!


Current styles and fashion trends tend to be geared towards the young and not necessarily the young-at-heart, like me.  Although they are gorgeous and very stylish, some of them I could not see myself wearing.  There are a lot of them that are simply just not appropriate to wear on a daily basis.  More like costumes or fashion statements.  Nothing that can be worn to an outing at the park, a simple dinner or a night on the town.  I know that if I ever deemed to wear some of these fashions I would definitely get some serious eyeballing!!!age-appropriate fashion

Shoes are my passion and there are some crazy styles out there.  I would love to have some of these shoes just to showcase as art, because that is what they are.  I could never wear them.  They are just too pretty and I would not want to ruin them by wearing them.  


What does your size and shape have to do with age-appropriate fashion? To me it has quite a bit to do with it.  Since I am a plus-sized fashionista, I am very conscience of what I wear.  Although form-fitted dresses, pants, tops and short are all the rage, I am very uncomfortable wearing clingy clothes that display so openly all my rolls, bulges and indents.  It is not that I am not confident in myself or proud of who I am, it is just a personal preference of mine. age-appropriate fashion

I have some beautiful plus-sized divas who are very bold in there fashion statements and they were it well.  They were these clingy, form-fitting outfits and own there style.  They are bold, beautiful and fun-loving ladies who embrace life to the fullest.  So I guess that it is all in your personal preference and if you really care what others think or feel about what you wear. 


Now to the touchy subject.  At what age is fashion no longer a fashion for you and become inappropriate wear?  Is it different for everyone? Does it depend on if you give a crap what others say?  Is it about respect for yourself and how others view you?  Does it really matter? age-appropriate fashion

I feel that at some point in our lives we need to consider that even though those fashions are still cute, trendy and very fashionable, they are just not appropriate any longer at the stage of life that we are in.  That is not to say we as a person has change.  We lack self-respect. Or even that our confidence level hasage-appropriate fashion decreased.  This is just my opinion.  But I feel that as we mature, our tastes, styles and perception should change.  As we grow in our walk through life, we should have growth in our fashion sense as well.  Does that mean we no longer can wear those fashionable and trendy clothes? Most definitely not.  In my opinion, I feel it just means that we need to chose more appropriately from those fashions according to where we are in our lives.


So in conclusion and in my opinion, you should wear whatever you feel comfortable in.  We all are different individuals with different tastes, styles and fashion sense.  That is what makes it all so great.  Our walks of life, experiences, growth and perception varies from person to person.  As a result so does our fashion sense and style.  It is a great place to be.  To be an individual with your own unique personality, style and fashion sense is a true gift.  If you are uncomfortable wearing something then don’t.  However, don’t judge someone else who does not have there same issues.  Look to them as the confident, upbeat, and unique individual that they are.  

age-appropriate fashionOnce you have discovered just what your fashion style is, then you determine if it is age-appropriate for you.  Then wear it and own it!! Be confident in your choice and wear if proudly!!!  

Then go have a night on the town with your friends or significant other and enjoy some fine wines and have a great time!!!

Hope you enjoy and find your very own fashionista!!!

age-appropriate fashion

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