How To Use ChatGPT

AI know as artificial intelligence is becoming a huge factor in everything we do. ChatGPT is a marketing tool that helps everyone become better. Utilizing collected data from all over the world, this platform is remarkable. However, most people are not familiar in how to use ChatGPT. It is an amazing tool that can make your marketing and adcopy creation so much easier. So, let’s dive right in.

What is ChatGPT

This is an AI, artificial intelligence, program that we all considered futuristic not too long ago. We saw humanoid machines in our favorite SciFi shows but never thought we would see this type of technology in our day and time. However, it is here and changing the way we do day to day activities. ChatGPT is a platform that utilizes known data into one big, computerized encyclopedia. The current program has data access to information up to the year 2022. But, they are constantly adding new information as fast a possible.

This information has a wide range of data that has be collected not only here in the US but all over the know world. But, there are still some glitches and errors that can be found. So, be cautious and check other resources when using this program.

Here is a list of some of the information you can ask ChatGPT:

  • Demographics for marketing purposes
  • Vital historical information
  • Polls and opinions
  • Help create adcopy and campaigns
  • Recipes and remedies
  • Holistic plants and herbs
  • Best practices for health and healing
  • Fashion trends
  • Hair trends
  • Mathematical equations
  • Theories
  • Critical thinking problems
  • Science formulas
  • HTML coding
  • Language translation

These are just a few of the things y.ou can get information on with ChatGPT. Really, anything you ask it, most likely it can find you an answer for.

The Benefits of Using ChatGPT

In content creation, AI algorithms can analyze extensive data to identify the content that best resonates with your audience. This data-driven method ensures your content is consistently tailored to your target audience’s preferences. By effectively targeting your audience, you can streamline your efforts, making your marketing strategies more efficient and less time-consuming. Additionally, with some research, you can further customize your content to specific regions, cultures, or age groups.

So, you may ask yourself, what are the benefits of using a program like ChatGPT. Well, the possibilities and benefits are endless. It can save time and money on creating ideas and programming. When using it to write with, it can give you the perfect page for any topic. However, you still want to make those subtle and unique changes to any writing creation. Why? As this is computer generated, it lacks the personal touch and story line. So, you will need to modify your creations accordingly.

Training Your AI program

As with anything AI, you need to train it to sound just like you. As a result, you have to “talk” to it. ChatGPT can only utilize the information it has if you give it enough information to dig through. This is one area that you don’t need to skimp on the details. The more you give it, the better it is able to pinpoint and customize what you are asking it for.

Be direct and ask specific information. However, because it is a computer, don’t get personal or try to humanize it. IT will let you know that it is a computer….LOL. So, try different techniques when you are working with it. Be funny, quirky, outrageous, professional and any other descriptive for you think you may use. The more you use it, the better you will be able to utilize it to its fullest potential.

Creating Marketing Strategies and Ad Campaigns

Now, this is where all that training comes in handy. Once you know how to “talk” to your AI program, you can create anything!!! So, let’s go over some commands that I use while training my ChatGPT to create amazing and eye-catching ad campaigns and ad copy.

Step By Step Process:

Stage 1: Greet your AI program. In my case, ChatGPT.

  • Greetings. Hello ChatGPT. Are you available to assist with a marketing campaign and strategy on a couple of new free affiliate programs that I have?
  • Then wait for answering reply. Based on what you have asked it, give it what it wants. Remember, the more details you give the better it will be.
  • ***This is important*** In the details, make sure that you ask it to create you a campaign and marketing strategy with the information you have provided.
  • Once it gives you the information. Ask your next question. Always remember to be polite and courteous.
  • Question: Can you show me an advertisement using the information above please?
  • It will then list the information you requested. These will be some amazing campaign that you can use in several ad platforms. But, we want to get it even more detailed. So, keep asking it questions.
  • Question: Wonderful!! Can we now create individual ads for each genre mentioned above please?
  • It will give you a list of detailed information based on what you started with. But we want to go even further. We want to reach as many people, platforms and genres as possible. So, keep asking. Be more detailed and specific.

Remember, if you don’t leave the stream, you can continue asking questions about your campaign.

Stage 2: Creating Additional Marketing Techniques

From this information, we can to continue creating marketing strategies. Life has come back to the email platforms. More people are checking and reading their emails versus just text messages. So, why not use the information we have so far to create an an email campaign. So, let go.

  • Ask question while still in conversation stream: I was wondering can we take the strategy mentioned above and great an engaging email for this campaign overview that will enhance the readers ability to want to click the link and get started? also would like to make individual emails for each genre and target audience listed, please?
  • Once you get your answer, read what it gives you. Then you can decide if you want to stop there or continue breaking down the strategy. I continued.
  • Get very specific in your email campaign. I asked it to be very specific to a targeted audience. In this case, marketers.
  • Question: Can you create an email for someone interested in a sales marketing job, please?
  • Follow this link to view a list of commands and questions.

Stage 3: Now let’s dive into social media platforms using ChatGPT

With this information, we need to make sure that we are copying it to our drives for later use. Don’t forget we are creating ways to market. So, social media is a great place to do that. Let’s use our campaign to specific to our social media outlets.

  • Question: Can you modify these campaigns and emails into social media ads using the most popular social media platforms, please?
  • The information it gives you can then be used on those platforms. It will be created specifically for those places. You can even ask it write multiple ads for each platform utilizing the same information.

To See this in action follow me!!!

Here is another example of this process in action!!!

In Conclusion

ChatGPT is a great tool to utilize in creating content, ads, recipes, business proposals and anything you can think of. However, remember it is a tool and a computer. For you to reach people, you still need that personal touch. This platform does take a lot of the work out of marketing but not all, You still need to go and place these ads!! Including images and links, you can be assured that you will be optimal results by asking the right questions and training your program accordingly.

It is just trial and error but it can be fun. However, don’t let it be a rabbit hole!! Schedule time daily or weekly to create these campaigns and put them to use. Have fun and I hope this helps you in creating your own marketing strategy and ad campaigns.