Digital Online Marketing – I am A Marketer

digital online marketing.  Master system instructor and website expert Shelia Matchett - Shop with MamaChief

Digital online marketing is a growing business foundation. But let me introduce myself first before we get into the meat and potatoes of this growing phenomena. My name is Shelia and I AM A MARKETER!!! I love what I do. I am able to reach out to people and give them the best goods and services I can find. Usually and quite often at a very reasonable price. Better yet, a lot of the programs, goods and services I have can be delivered right to your door. Also, if you are looking for something to give you some extra income, you can be a part of this growing Digital Online marketing platform.

So, let’s have a look at why marketing is important and why digital online marketing is growing. You will be surprised at what you see. Why, because you are already a part of this growing phenomena and probably don’t even realize it.

Why Marketing Is Important

The importance of marketing is really quite simple. If you don’t know about something, then how can you purchase it, learn about it or talk about it? You can’t can you. So, that is where marketing comes into play. Most of us are familiar with TV ads, billboards and radio announcements. However, a lot of us spend more time on our computers and phones. As a result, companies have taken note of this and started looking for ways to incorporate their advertising strategies and methods onto these platforms.

With regret, they discovered that technology needed to catchup a bit for this to happen. With COVID-19, this technology and demand for this type of marketing skyrocketed. As a result more demand was needed for people to learn how to do this type of marketing. Due to this fact, digital online marketing has come into play. Let’ have a look at this.

Digital Online Marketing

As stated above, most of us do so much on our computers and phones. We do everything from paying bills, buying cars, shopping for grocery and even learning how to do things. YouTube has become the greatest treasure on how-to videos. If you want to learn anything, Go to YouTube to find it. Even how to market!!!

by using social media as well as ad sites, you will be able to learn digital online marketing to earn income

With that being said, several companies wanted to utilize our search habits and buying habit to help promote and introduce their products to those internet viewers. Google came up with a solution of marketing to us. Ever gone to a site and see those annoying popups? Well, those of us in digital marketing see that as dollar signs!!! Google pays us to have those popups on our site for you to view.

It is just part of the ongoing digital online marketing strategy. If you have been searching for something over a period of time, then those are the types of popups you will see. If you are a marketer and have partnered with Google AdSense through your website, then you have the ability to be a part of this marketing share through affiliate marketing. To get started follow the link here.

What is Affiliate Marketing

Since I AM A MARKETER, I have access to not only a professional website but Google AdSense partnership as well. With these connections, I know have the ability to attract various companies that are looking for online digital marketers. That is me!!! It could be you too. However, let’s take a look at what exactly affiliate marketing is.

Like I stated above, you need to have a working website. Either a simple one page site or a more advanced multi-page website. From my experience, a multi-page website works best. Then you have the ability to attract companies to you. These companies will actually pay you to create page content and advertising through your sales. You get a percentage of all your commission sales. There is no limit to how much you can make. Based on which company you are working with, you will have the ability to advertise locally or worldwide.

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Most of the companies I market for have the ability to market worldwide. So, when things are looking bad in your neck of the woods, then you can find another part of the world to market. As a result, your business never has to suffer.

Digital Online Marketing For beginners – Get Started

be your own boss.  Know who you are.  online digital marketing is your way to financial freedom. woman looking out of office tower window

So, the first thing you want to do to become a marketer and participate in digital online marketing is to obtain a website. In the link above, you will have the opportunity to do just that. Then once you get that done, you will be assigned a mentor/trainer to walk you through setting up your site. From then on, your mentor/instructor will be your guide. It is their honor to help you achieve the level of understanding of the amazing world of online marketing.

As I am a Master System Instructor and Google AdSense expert, my team and I will love to help you on your journey to becoming an online marketer, helping you to understand the online marketing world as well as all the ins and outs of link posting, affiliate marketing as well as ad posting and template making. Along with the implementation of the website system, you will open up a new world of online marketing to help you gain knowledge and become comfortable in your new online marketing platform.