EMF Issues and Dangers

EMF issues and dangers are something that the general populace is not aware of. However, this has been a growing problem for many years. With the increased use of electricity, cell phones and wireless internet, there are more electromagnetic fields being generated. We need to protect ourselves.

EMF issues protect yourself and get in TUUN with beautiful EMF necklace

Scientists have been studying the affects of this phenomena since the early 1990’s. Their results vary depending on the type of EMF they are studying. However, in the past 15 years or so, it seems that the results from all the scientific communities are converging to the same conclusion. That EMF can be harmful and potentially dangerous. The EMF issues and dangers and greatly related to the exposure one has to these electromagnetic fields and the sources they are emitted from. So it raises the issue, how do we protect ourselves from these harmful emissions? Personal protection is key to a healthy you.

Electromagnetic Force and your Body

Did you know that the earth has a frequency? Yep, 7.83 hertz. Now you are probably wondering how that affects you. Well your body also has a frequency that helps you maintain a physical and mental health. Want to guess what that would be? The human body will perform at it optimum at a frequency between 5 hertz to 10 hertz.

Discover your healing frequency and protect  yourself from EMF issues

Do you ever find yourself feeling better when you are stressed after walking in the yard barefoot? How about a walk in nature with the leaves of the trees touching you, barefooted in the water of a running brook? With me it is walking on the beach or standing in the ocean while the waves gently moving around me. Do you want to know why? Because you are grounding yourself to the earth. As a result, you are resetting your body to it optimum frequency.

Now over the years as technology has advanced we have had some things that have interfered with our natural body frequency. EMF, electromagnetic frequency or force, has become a big issue. Science has been studying the affects of this for some time and have found some things that feel we need to look deeper.

Fear Of EMF

Yes, there is a general fear of EMF issues and dangers. WHY? Because the general population is still in the dark about how this affects them. Since this is not a topic that is talked about in daily use, when we hear about it we don’t concern ourself with it. If you grew up when I did in the early 70’s and 80’s, EMF was talked about mostly in the scientific realm of space exploration and things in that general direction. But as thing progress and the science fiction became non-fiction and reality, we found ourselves in an age where EMF is literally surrounding us.

With the increase in the use of electricity, more power sources have been established. As a result, some areas have a higher concentration of EMF around them. Look at cell phone usage. How many cell phone towers do you see around your area? A more important question, how many people actually use a cell phone more than 4 times a day? If you are like me, I never go anywhere without mine. Did you know that Cell phones emit a low EMF frequency? But, what is the danger of using it daily? Laptops also have an EMF output. Bottom line is that anything that produces an electric vibe emits some type of electromagnetic force.

Do You Have These Symptoms Of EMF Exposure?

EMF protection can be worn personally in the form of trending and elegant jewelry.  From bracelets to pendants.

Most people don’t even realize that they have been exposed to EMF. Although research is continuing in the study of how EMF affects the body and our surroundings, there are some definitive signs and symptoms. These signs and symptoms gives you some idea that you are exposed to electromagnetic fields somewhere. The sources are things you use everyday like your cell phone, computer, lap top, WIFI. IF you are around or close to high powered power lines. Even your digital clock and radio emit some type of magnetic frequency. We have a few solutions to help you protect not only yourself, but also your devices.

Here are a few symptoms to look out for to let you know you have EMF exposure:

bio discs come in both small and large sizes to protect any sized device.  Also get your own Bio mat to use for your mouse or around your computer or work station.
  • Skin Problems: Some individuals report skin rashes, burning sensations, or tingling when they believe they are exposed to EMF.
  • Headaches: Frequent headaches are a common symptom reported by those who claim to be sensitive to EMF.
  • Fatigue: Feeling unusually tired or fatigued is another symptom some people associate with EMF exposure.
  • Sleep Disturbances: Sleep problems, including insomnia, are occasionally linked to EMF sensitivity.
  • Cognitive Issues: Some individuals claim to experience difficulties with concentration, memory, or mental clarity when exposed to EMF.
  • Nausea: Nausea and digestive disturbances have also been reported in association with EMF sensitivity.

Using this simple product on your devices can help you protect your surroundings from EMF over exposure. Create your own bubble of protection.

Is EMF Dangerous

Well, 30 years ago the answer would have been “no” to the general public. Why? Because it wasn’t prevalent in mass quantities unless you were around high outputting areas like the space program, electrical systems and things of that caliber. But with the advancement of technology, just about everyone has access to some type of device that produces EMF.

Did you know that EMF has been linked to some health issues? Issues like insomnia, fatigue, depression, anxiety and even weight gain. On the other end of this spectrum it has also been loosely linked to even suicide.

EMF is produced in every corner of our homes.  Protect with a simple device and biohack your home and body with TUUN

How many of you sleep with your phone, laptop or iPad close to your bed? Ever experience sleepless or restless nights? This, according to scientist, may be linked to the EMF that your device it producing. It literally has an affect on your brain function and patterns. Feeling fatigued or tired after a long night sleep with your phone at your side, television still playing in the background or laptop screen blaring at you? Again, these devices are putting off levels of EMF that could be compounding your brain activity, functionality and your body’s inability to function properly.

On the extreme side effects of EMF, this low frequency after long exposure can also lead to depression or high anxiety and ultimately suicide. With scientist still trying to figure out the best way to alleviate this force or lessen then effects of it, we have some solutions that may help you until that time.

EMF Protection from Issues and Danger

Is your body in balance? Are you protected from EMF exposure?

There are some things out there in the universe that will help you absorb these negative fields. They also help better protect you from EMF dangers and issues. Personal protection is the key to helping you. It will give you the protection you need without causing other issues. With these amazing stones, amulets and essentially EMF protection jewelry, you will have a healthier outcome around EMF emissions.

Needless to say that not everything is full proof, but having that little extra will go a long way in securing your ability to better protect yourself. EMF issues and dangers are not going away anytime soon. But, you can protect yourself. Having a balance field around you will help you alleviate some of your fears and dangers.

EMF protection is not expensive if you know where to look. Placing protection devices on your cell phones, laptops, iPads and other electronic devices will help you in the long run. On top of that, you can ensure your personal protection by wearing fashionable jewelry that house this same protection for you. So no matter where you are or what device you encounter, you will have some protection against EMF emissions.

Balance Your Body and Mind Against EMF Issues and Danger

TUUN your body and protect from EMF issues and dangers

So now that you are armored with some simple facts about EMF issues and dangers you can guard yourself against it. When you are feeling a bit stressed, out of sorts or just really tired and you don’t know why, just go outside, take off your shoes and walk around your yard barefoot. Or if you are close to the ocean, take a walk on the beach and let your toes dig in the sand. Find a way to ground yourself to Mother Earth and let her help you reset yourself to your natural frequency. However, if you are unable to do that, the protect yourself with this daily regimen and a wearable TUUN to help you protect yourself not only from EMF issues and dangers to but help balance your overall health issues.

Biohacking is the way to help protect yourself

Once you have your personal protection in place, now it is time to get your body back into balance. With these biohacking alternative SNAPs, you can literally get your spiritual aura back into focus. To help with your weight reduction. Relieve your stress, anxiety and depression all you need is this little SNAP twice a day. Need help with premature aging of your skin? Hair getting a bit thin? How about needing a bit more restful sleep? It is all here is these little SNAPs.

As you pit yourself against the EMF issues and dangers, EMF personal protection also with this daily SNAP regimen will help you on your journey to becoming a better you. Safe, protected and energized. Get started on your personal protection from EMF issues and dangers.

Personal protection from EMF is here.  Rosegold or sleek black order today and start your protection.