Retirement Income – 5-year plan

retirement income has allowed me to travel more.  This is an picture of me on a recent trip to Hawaii

Retirement income is something we in the work force strive to achieve. However, with the cost of living, it is becoming more difficult to achieve that success. It seems that the job market pay rates are not keeping up with the cost of inflation. But with the inflation rate on a steady incline, the workforce pay continues to remain the same.

With this in mind, more people are working beyond the retirement age of 65. It appears that what we have been taught, to work good and save is not working. What happened to following your dreams? Being what you always wanted to be? Are we not allowed to have our own success with our own goals, dreams and aspirations fulfilled? It is apparent that the 40-year plan is not working as it intended. Being your own boss and working from home for your own retirement income is fast becoming the way to achieve your goals and aspiration.

The 40-Year Plan – Not The Best Plan for Retirement Income

When we were children, we dreamed of being a firefighter, business owner, princess or things to make us happy. Money was not an option or deterrent to keep us from dreaming. However, as we got older, we were taught to forego our dreams and get a job. Meaning, get a good education, find a steady job. Work hard and in 40-years, you will be able to retire. But, that was before inflation jump in. Cost of living went up and job security became an issue.

to obtain retirement income you need to ACT and change what you are currently doing.  be your own boss.

Employment, to me, is a trap to keep you at a level for you not to be able to fulfill your own goals and aspirations. Suddenly, you find yourself forgetting what you want. How to best provide for your family in a secure environment and you are suddenly providing someone else with a secure, financial future. Why can’t you be the one with the secure financial future? What is holding you back.

It is the indoctrination of that 40-year plan to get your retirement income. We have lost our drive, spirit, self-worth and our entrepreneurial drive. We have been told to work someone for so long that we are not afraid to step out on that limb and rediscover our own hopes and dreams. As a result, we lose our ability to obtain that financial success and stability. Thereby, our own ability to establish our own retirement income potential. Let’s find a way to get our dreams back!!!

What Is Internet Marketing

Internet marketing…heard of it? Well, if you have ever shopped on the internet, you have helped someone who owns their own internet business. Internet shopping has become the norm for most shoppers. Having items delivered to your door has become so convenient traditional brick and mortar stores are now seeking individuals to market for them online!!! Talk about a great way to earn a living.

Internet marketing helps you become your own boss. By establishing a Google Approved website, you can then seek out these companies and market for them. Becoming an affiliate, creating great content and simple ads, you can then post these ads all over the internet, social media and even news papers and ad magazines.

Now, you can become your own boss, set your own hours and determine your own income based on your time that you spend posting ads. Most of these companies pay a residual income to you. Meaning once a person becomes a customer with them, every time they purchase through your site, you get a commission. As a result, you are not limited to how much you can earn!!! Better yet, internet marketing is worldwide. Imagine having your own business that you can market all over the world and make money. NO overhead. No pushy boss. You are the master of your own time and destiny. Are you up for the Challenge?

Internet Business Ideas for Retirement Income

So with this knowledge under your belt now, what type of internet business do you want to jump into? There are several that hold interest to the general public. The great news is that a majority of these companies have affiliate programs that will allow you to market with them for your online internet business.

Below is a list of trending Online Internet Businesses that offer affiliate programs. Select the one or even a few that spark your interest and read more about them. I bet most of you are already well versed in the options you have to choose from.

Now, select the option or options from the list above and see their goods and services. Look at their compensation plans and even their retirement benefits. Then make an educated decision on which one to start with and get started. All of these programs include training in ad placement, marketing strategy and social media tools.

Investment Opportunity for Retirement Income

As most of these programs are free, they all require one thing…A Google Approved website. These companies want to make sure their goods and services are on a respected platform and shopped. As we all know, Google, Yahoo and Bing are the most common search engines. Every one of these platforms utilize websites. As a result, to get a functioning website, you will have to invest in yourself and your business.

be the boss and work from home to gain your own retirement income potential

Ask any business owner and they will tell you that you do need to put up some investment to be any kind of success. One, you will work harder to get a return on your investment. Another quality about putting your money where your mouth is you are likely to work harder and not give up so easily. Having some Skin in the Game, so to speak, makes you more determined to success.

So as you look at some of the business above, you will see that they do require some investment. This is a good thing. It allows you to sample their goods and services. But it also allows you to have some product on-hand for those who want to get it now and try. Samples are a great way to make people aware of what you have to offer.

Work From Home Opportunities

The best thing about all of this is your ability to work from home or basically anywhere that has an internet connection. YOU can finally be your own boss and regain your ability to dream. Now you have the means to obtain your retirement income through your own hard work and actually build a legacy income to pass down to your kids. Your business now becomes a generational income security that you can either pass down to your children or show them how to build their own.

Let’s get back to basics. Stop discouraging our kids and ourselves. Allow ourselves to dream, believe and achieve those things that are most dear to us. Working for yourself is way better than helping someone else obtain their dream through you.

Bring back our ability to dream. Show no fear in failure. Failure is our ability to learn and grow. Experience the joys of life by living out your dream. Be your own boss and change the way you look at the world!!!