Scan and Join Our Amazing Clubs!!

Congratulations!!! You scanned my QR code. Now you can join this amazing wine of the month club. The Scan and join QR code allowed to visit this page so that you can get all the information needed to make an informed decision. Wine is wine and everyone has a different take on it. So, let me show you what we have and you can judge for yourself.

Scan and Join as a Customer

Some of you may only want to come in as a customer. That is fantastic!!! This gives you the opportunity to get to know the club and sample the product. We have several to choose from!!! Our wine club is amazing. If you need help with focus, mental acuity, stress, anxiety or even the occasional hangover, then you want to be a customer to our Nootropics program. Love coffee and cannot live without it? Then we have the club for you. Just add two scoops of this amazing coffee to your existing coffee and literally watch the pounds melt away!!!

Join our Amazing Wine Club

Our wine club boast of having the most amazing wines in the world. Granted we are considered by all to be a New World Wine country. However, the Napa Valley region wines are sought after by people, restaurants and wine connoisseurs from all over the world. Now by using the scan and join QR code, you have access to these exclusive wines!! They are only available through our club. As a customer, you will get a mixed box of both reds and whites. Then you can modify your order to all reds or all whites. Better yet, if you invite three people to join you in our club and they sign up, you will earn your monthly wine for free!!! That’s right three and free ( only pay shipping and tax), Uncle Sam still wants his share!!!

wine clubs
Join today!!!

If you want to make some serious money, you can also join as an Ambassador and become a rep. Then you can watch the money really come in. Earn a commission from every person, business or other rep that you bring in. Start your very own Wine Marketing organization. The best part is you DO NOT SELL WINE!! You only represent the company. So no inventory or overhead!!! So what are you waiting for!!! Join today and start having your wines delivered to your door!!

Scan and Join our Nootropics program!!!

Ever heard of Nootropics and Nanotechnology? If you drink 5-hour energy drink or Monster, then you have ingested a form of nootropics. However, these are not healthy for you on a daily and continuous basis. What you need is something that actually helps you without all the drawbacks and side effects.

Ever find yourself in the middle of the day feeling tire, lethargic and just needing a nap. We call it the midday blahs. This is the time you reach for that extra cup of coffee, a snack or some caffeinated beverage. Well, now all you need is a simple SNAP!!! This little 3 oz packet really packs a punch without all the nasty side effects. Coming in three flavors of Carmel Macchiato, Chocolate Sea Salt and Lemon drop, you will be able to find your favorite flavor to enjoy daily.


Here is what you get: All it takes is just a SNAP!!!

This amazing elixir helps:

  • Boost Mental Energy
  • Improve Athletic Performance
  • Improve Mood
  • Support Positive Thinking
  • Support Calming Feeling
  • Improve Mental Performance
  • Improve focus and Alertness
  • Possibly helps with stamina and weight loss

As a customer, when you refer others to join you in this SNAP a day, you have the opportunity to earn free products. However, this company also has a great retirement program for its reps. Not only can you earn money, but trips and other great prizes. Like I just stated after five years, you can retire with this company and still continue to earn your commissions.

Calling all Coffee Lovers!!!

If you are like most people in the world, after waking you have to have at least one cup of coffee before you can fully wake up. What if your coffee had an additive of coffee that was all natural, made from plants, with natural caffeine. Not only that but it has a natural appetite suppressant as well as natural ingredients to help you lose weight!!! In this amazing club, you earn commissions as a representative. This is our least expensive club but still has amazing benefits for growth and earning potential. Plus the products are amazing!!!

scan and

Join Scentsy – Warmers, candles and more!!!

You have found your official Scentsy rep right here!!! If you love fresh scents and fragrances in your home, car, laundry, boat or carpet and even pets, then you are right where you need to be. From wall mounted warmers to over the vent air fresheners, this Scentsy rep has just what you need. Did you know that we even have car fresheners as well as laundry fabric softener? With the Holidays just around the corner, now is the time to stock up. Join now and save on those amazing summer scents and get your early-bird special for those wonderful, smelling fall aromas. Warm hot apple cider, cinnamon spice, pumpkin spice and let’s not forget about that hot warm apple pie. So, what are you waiting for, join today and get your Scentsy on!!!

Looking for a monthly surprise?! Then you need to get the monthly Whiff box!!! Full size products from the trending and seasonal products. Every month you will get something different and unique. Yours to keep or share. So, check it out here and see what you are missing. Never have an unpleasant smell again!!! Join and save and earn!!!

scentsy whiff box


So I just want to say thank you and welcome to the club. No matter which you chose, you will be pleased with the products. If you decide to advance to a representative and looking to make some serious extra income, then let me know. There is a whole team waiting to help you get started. Again, thank you for coming and actually looking at my scan and join page.

While you are here, have a look around at the other categories and get an early start on your Christmas, Birthday, Anniversary or any special occasion shopping needs. All delivered right to your door!!!