Personal Protection Unveiled: Reducing EMF Exposure

Nothing states class, style and sophistication like diamonds  This personal protection pendant is the bling you are looking for

How often do you think of personal protection? I know most of you are thinking about your physical safety. Gun safety and self-defense classes are what comes to the minds of everyone. However, very few of us think about our personal protection in relationship to mental and internal protection. Have you heard of EMF exposure and the issues caused by too much exposure to these electromagnetic fields? Do you know how these fields are emitted? Never fear, we have your personal protection covered for your safety. From the emissions from your personal devices to protection from surrounding forces as you are out and about daily. Continue reading to help you understand this hidden danger we live with daily.

In our ever-connected world, personal protection from Electromagnetic Fields (EMF) is a growing concern. From smartphones and Wi-Fi routers to power lines and household gadgets, EMF sources are everywhere. Although we know these thing emit power and frequencies, never did we think it could be harmful. While these fields have revolutionized modern life, questions persist about their potential health implications. Here you will find some practical and stylish was to protect yourself from harmful EMF exposure.

Health Concerns Regarding Personal Protection From EMF

Get your body back in balance with these beautiful pendants.

Most of us suffer from some type of medical issues. I know my personal issue is severe, debilitating migraines. Although, I have suffered these way before cell phones and Wi-Fi was ever in existence. Nevertheless, it seems that all the advances in modern technology and EMF emissions may be exacerbating the onset of my migraines.

The debate over EMF’s impact on health is ongoing. Some studies suggest potential risks, including sleep disturbances and increased cancer risk, while others find no conclusive evidence. Regardless, minimizing exposure is a wise choice in ensuring your have the proper protection from EMF exposure.

Regardless of this debate of what EMF exposure actually affects, here are some things you need to look out for to see if you may potentially be exposed to high EMF surroundings.

  • Electrosensitivity (Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity): Some claim to experience symptoms like headaches, fatigue, sleep disturbances, and cognitive issues when exposed to EMF, a condition often referred to as electromagnetic hypersensitivity (EHS).
  • Sleep Disturbances: EMF from devices like cell phones and Wi-Fi routers has been linked to sleep disturbances, including difficulty falling asleep and staying asleep.
  • Increased Cancer Risk: There have been concerns about a potential link between long-term exposure to EMF, particularly from cell phones and high-voltage power lines, and an increased risk of certain cancers, especially brain tumors.
  • Fertility Issues: Some research has suggested that prolonged exposure to EMF, particularly from laptops and mobile devices placed on the lap, may affect male fertility by potentially decreasing sperm quality and motility.
  • Neurological Effects: EMF exposure has been associated with cognitive issues, including memory problems and difficulty concentrating. Some studies have shown correlations between RF-EMF exposure and changes in brain activity.
  • Cardiovascular Effects: There is limited research suggesting that EMF exposure might affect the cardiovascular system, potentially leading to heart palpitations and changes in blood pressure.
  • Miscellaneous Symptoms: Some individuals have reported a range of symptoms when exposed to EMF, including dizziness, tingling sensations, skin rashes, and more. These symptoms are often associated with EHS.


So, if you are suffering from any of these symptoms, it could be due to EMF exposure. Protect yourself and your devices with one or several of the products listed on this page. At the bottom of this page, you will find clickable links to sites where you can purchase merchandise for not only your personal safety but also your home and work devices.

Reducing EMF Exposure and Proper Shielding Methods

Now, with the knowledge you have so far, what do you need to do to protect yourself from EMF emissions? Trust me, it is not anything that will negatively impact your life and living situation. I promise you. Some simple things to do are mostly accomplished while you are sleeping. But having some wearable personal protection is also a great idea.

I personally have a pendant as well a bracelets. They look beautiful and I wear them daily. They go well with all my outfits. From causal to formal, these amazing personal wearable protection will get you notices for your impeccable taste, fashion sense and style.

this disc comes in large and small.  It helps you protect your at home and work devices for your own personal protection

Practical tips can significantly reduce EMF exposure. Start by limiting device usage, turning off Wi-Fi at night, and keeping cell phones away from your body. Creating physical distance between yourself and EMF sources also enhances your ability to protect yourself. For example, avoid prolonged proximity to microwave ovens when in use.

Personal protection can also involve the use of shielding materials, like special fabrics or paints, which can reduce EMF penetration. Additionally, consider EMF-blocking products, such as phone cases, to shield yourself from close-contact sources. The disc featured here is available for both personal and business uses. This product protects your technology such as computers, printers, appliances as well as phones and tablets. From large, small and even mouse pads, you are covered from EMF emissions.

Healthy Habits and Finding A Balance For Your Personal Protection

Over the last few decades, the advanced in technology has made our lives very easy. Sometimes, it appears to be too easy. However, with all this technology, there is also a drawback. Hence, the electromagnetic fields have increased in size, strength and danger. In small amounts, it is not noticeable. But, it is proving to be an issue in long exposure, even in small doses.

Amazing and trending jewelry hides the tech engineering to be your personal protection against EMF emissions.  Trendy and beautiful EMF personal protection jewelry.

Your lifestyle choices can play a role in personal protection. A balanced diet, regular exercise, and stress reduction techniques can help mitigate the potential effects of EMF exposure on your overall well-being.

Striking a balance between staying connected and safeguarding personal health is crucial. Government agencies like the FDA and WHO have established safety guidelines for EMF exposure, offering a framework for personal protection. Here is the issue I am having with this bit of knowledge. If the government says that EMF emissions are not really harmful, why do they have safety guidelines in place? Just something to think about. No censure. Just an engaging topic of conversation. As a result, I think it would benefit everyone to keep tabs on the researching going on concerning EMF emissions and how it affects our environment and the human body.

In the meantime, check out the links below to find your own special and unique personal protection devices, be it jewelry or discs. I suggest both.


This beautiful pendant hides the technology to protect your from EMF exposure

Personal protection from EMF is a matter of informed choices and practical steps. While the debate over EMF’s health effects continues, taking precautionary measures can help reduce exposure and mitigate potential risks. By understanding the types and sources of EMF, assessing your environment, and implementing personal protection strategies, you can embrace the benefits of our connected world while safeguarding your well-being.

Rose gold is always classy. Add this beautiful EMF protection pendant to your jewelry collection

Knowledge is the key to personal protection. Equip yourself with the information and tools needed to make informed decisions, allowing you to navigate the digital age safely and responsibly. EMF is a part of modern life, but with awareness and practical steps, you can take control of your exposure and prioritize your health.

Clickable links to obtain your own personal Protection Devices

If you want protection for your devices as well as unique and beautiful jewelry to help ward off and protect yourself from EMF emissions and create your own safety bubble, then check out the links here:

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How To Use AI, Artificial Intelligence, To Unlock Marketing Magic

Artificial intelligence is growing in popularity.  How to us it is not so hard to learn.

AI, artificial intelligence, was always seen as futuristic. Growing up, you saw this type of thing in all the sci-fi movies and shows. It was thought to be long into the future. Well guess what? The future is here and now!!! Those Startrek movies are now looking more and more like everyday living. The Bionic Man and Woman has been in existence for years. The Matrix is only a few years aways. So, why not put how to use AI to use in the business world?

In the ever-evolving landscape of online content and marketing, businesses, bloggers, and marketers are continually seeking ways to stay competitive and relevant. Even though every day experiences vary from person to person, we all are looking for that edge. That one niche that sets up apart from the others. Hence, enter Artificial Intelligence (AI), the game-changer. This technology is revolutionizing content creation and marketing strategies. In this article, I hope to show you how I use it daily in formulating ideas, creating my unique content, developing marketing strategies. Touch base with me if your would like a more indepth training on how to create content and ad templates and campaigns.

Benefits of AI in Content Creation

How to use AI doesn’t need to be scary or overwhelming. You need to just contemplate it like a sounding board. Another person you can bounce ideas, techniques and strategies off of. Artificial Intelligence, once a futuristic concept, is now a powerful tool. It is helping to reshape how we create and market content online. No longer do we question if but when we should use artificial intelligence. Now, it is a matter of determining how to best us it. As we learn to how to use AI, we can then learn how to harness its potential in our businesses.

Using AI is a simple feat to help create engaging content

Let’s look at a few things that AI can help us:

  1. Efficiency and Scalability: One of the most significant advantages of AI in content creation is its ability to automate tasks. AI-driven content generators can produce high-quality articles, blog posts, and even reports in a fraction of the time it would take a human writer. But as a person, we still need to add that human aspect to the pages. Thereby, we need to modify the content to sound more like ourselves.
  2. Content Optimization: AI algorithms can analyze vast amounts of data to determine what content resonates most with your audience. This data-driven approach ensures that your content is always tailored to your target audience’s preferences. With the ability to target your audience, your time becomes more order taking. Your ads and marketing becomes more strategic and less time consuming. With a little research, you can tailor your writing to be even more specific to a region, culture or age group.
  3. Personalization: AI can create personalized content experiences for users. Whether it’s dynamically changing website content, product recommendations, or email marketing campaigns, artificial intelligence adapts to individual preferences. Basically, you can train the system to sound and think like you. However, it is not you. As a result, you will need to modify and change the content a bit. In other words, add that human touch to it. Make it flow with personal stories. Give and add a little of yourself to your content.

AI in Marketing Strategies

Businesses and online marketers can benefit from AI in creating online marketing strategies.

Now, with this information you are wondering how to set up marketing strategies. Again, it is all in how you present it. Remember, you want to train the Artificial Intelligence to think like you do. Better yet, you want it to add the polish and flare that you lack either from the ability to recognize trends to targeting your audience. With just a bit of information on your part, this technology has the ability to transform your business. With us bloggers and online marketers, the correct ad or content article can drive unlimited traffic to our sites.

Here are a few strategies to look into using with this technology:

  1. Data-Driven Decision Making: AI can process and analyze large datasets at lightning speed. Thereby, helping marketers make data-driven decisions. It can identify trends. Predict customer behavior. And, recommend the most effective marketing strategies. Let it do the work for you. Allow this technology to supply you with the data you need to create better ads and marketing.
  2. Customer Segmentation: AI algorithms can segment your audience more effectively than ever before. As a result, ensuring that your marketing efforts are highly targeted. This means better engagement and conversion rates. Basically, it will use all the data at its disposal to find your target marketing sector. Hence, it will cut down your costs for marketing. Your resources are then able to be put to better use. Allowing you to market to your target market. Resulting in more eyes on your goods and services, website or blog. Creating and generating more revenue and profits.

Case Studies and Examples

How long do you think companies have been using AI? Longer than you think. Some of the largest business groups are utilizing AI to target their market. Thusly, they have reduces their cost in marketing and increased their sales and rentals. Why? Because AI did the leg work for them in the marketing strategies.

A lot of entertainment and online programs utilize AI in gaining information to help market to their customers

Let’s take a look at some real-world examples of how AI is transforming the online landscape:

  • Netflix: The streaming giant uses AI to recommend personalized content to its users. This keeps them engaged and subscribed. Have you ever wondered how they know exactly which movies to suggest to you? AI is the key to your own personal video library. Even I enjoy looking at Netflix and seeing exactly what I am looking for without having to search. By cutting my search time, I am able to enjoy more movies and spend less time looking.
  • HubSpot: HubSpot’s AI-powered marketing platform helps businesses automate marketing campaigns, analyze customer interactions, and optimize strategies for better results. With AI, you have the power of the most successful companies in your hands. Now you can create engaging campaigns and ads to help draw traffic to your own businesses and websites.
  • Grammarly: The popular writing assistant uses artificial intelligence to provide grammar and style suggestions. This makes content creation more accessible and polished for bloggers and writers. With the added feature of the perfect English professor at your disposal, your writing becomes perfection. However, as a human, we all make mistakes. So, add a few now and then to add that human touch to your pages, blogs and ads.

Are There Challenges and Limitations To Using This Technology?

Yes, there are challenges and limitations to using this technology. While AI offers tremendous benefits, it’s essential to be aware of its limitations. These include issues related to data privacy, bias in algorithms, and the initial setup and training required. It also cannot express emotions. I found this out myself by asking it how it was doing?! It told straight up that it was an AI based being and could not express emotions and sentiment.

ChatGPT is my go to for online marketing and creation using AI

Also, digital images currently are not available through AI. At least not in ChatGPT. However, there are programs out there that you can use to create images and designs. Again, it is a learning program. So, you will need to have some skill with these advanced programs.

The challenge is in your ability to know yourself. This program does exactly what you tell it. There are no gray areas. It does not guess or assume. It gives you exactly what you ask of it. So, you need to be specific in your questions and description. Very specific in how you want it represent you. It needs to be trained!!!

In the future, I see the role of AI only increasing in all aspects of our daily living. Even now, there are restaurants across the world who utilizes AI for its staff. Some sections in the automotive industry uses artificial intelligence on the assembly line. Even our military uses this technology in deployment of missiles, aircraft and even spacecraft. Let’s face it. Movies like The Matrix and Terminator shed a bad light on AI. But, as humans I feel that we are still the more intelligent being. Because we feel, think and reason, we will always outperform AI.

Tips and Best Practices

As a content creator for several websites, sometimes it is difficult to be unique to each one. As I am one person, my thinking is always the same. Although each of my sites are uniquely different, it does help to have a sounding board to bounce off of for ideas. By utilizing ChatGPT ‘s artificial intelligence, I can tell it what I am looking for in a general context. Then, based on what I need, select the topic that best suits each site I am working on.

If you’re considering integrating artificial intelligence into your content and marketing strategies, here are some best practices to keep in mind:

  • Start with a clear strategy and objectives. Remember, it will only give you what you ask it. No more and no less. It needs to be trained to think like you. The more detailed you are in your explanations, the better it will work for you.
  • Ensure your team is trained and ready to work with AI tools. Know your programs. Whether you are by yourself or working with a team, you need to know what your programs features and benefits are. Play with it. Learn it while it learns you.
  • Regularly review and update your AI algorithms to adapt to changing trends. Basically, keep using it to create your marketing strategies. Ask it to update you on trends, niches and stats. If you are not working your sites and businesses daily, you will be left behind. This AI program will help you stay on top of trends and research. Also, facts and stats for those of us who like numbers.

Command Helps for Using AI program ChatGPT

Here are some commands that I use to help me create anything I need using ChatGPT. These commands can be modified to fix your specific product or service. However, as you get more comfortable using this platform, you can create your own unique commands. Specialize them to not only your goods and services, but to your unique flare and style.


Although you may not like Artificial Intelligence, it is here to stay. It is a transformational force. It it literally reshaping the way we create and market content online. Whether you’re a blogger, marketer, or business owner, embracing AI can help you stay competitive and engage your audience in new and exciting ways.

I would love to help you create content and engaging marketing strategies using AI.  Let's connect

Looking into the future, I feel that AI will undoubtedly continue to unlock marketing magic. Be ready to embrace this change. Because, those who harness its power will be the ones who thrive in the digital age. If you would like to see and learn how to utilize this amazing program, contact me and I will glad to introduce this amazing world of online marketing to you.

So get ready and explore AI’s potential for your online endeavors. It is easy start. Just research AI tools and solutions that align with your goals. I use ChatGPT. Experiment with these tools and programs. Learn how to utilize them. We need to adapt to stay at the forefront of the AI-powered content and marketing revolution. Your online success may just depend on your ability to compete in AI generation.

Empowering Success: My Wine Label Story


I am MamaChief and I am empowering success. Speaking it and making it happen. In the world of fine wines, having your own unique wine label is not just about showcasing the wine you select. It is a profound expression of your identity, personal journey, and determination for success. Owning a distinct wine label empowers you to make a bold statement, stand out in the competitive wine market, and share your passion with the world. As a women of business and distinction, I am in competition with myself. I will accomplish this goal and empowering success. Thereby reaching my dream. That being my own unique wine label.

The Importance of a Unique Wine Label

Your wine label becomes a canvas to tell your story. It represents your preferences, tastes, and aspirations in the realm of fine wines. Having your own unique wine label means curating and presenting wines that speak to your individuality and values. Whether you are a seasoned wine enthusiast or a budding connoisseur, your label becomes a medium to express your uniqueness and leave a lasting impression on wine lovers.

As I develop my wine palate, the power of knowledge has enable me to appreciate the institution of the Wine culture. I has since become fascinated with the dream of having my own wine label. Empowering success through hard work, dedication and unique marketing strategies having given me the drive to success. Seeing my culture depicted on a wine label for eternity is a memorial I wish to have.

The Journey of a Unique Wine Label

empowering success

Embarking on the journey to create your unique wine label is an enriching experience. It starts with selecting wines that resonate with your tastes and reflect the vision you want to portray. You can explore various vineyards, regions, and winemakers, searching for the perfect blend to represent your identity. Then, comes the thrilling process of designing your label, which allows you to channel your creativity and artistic flair.

As a Native American, from the Lumbee Tribe, it would be my honor and privilege to dedicate my wine label to my people. Also, as a personal journey of discovery and education, it will give me a feeling of success and accomplishment.

To see the culmination of all my hard work, research, creativity and determination in my very own unique wine label ensures the empowering success that I have started out to achieve

Benefits of Having Your Own Wine Label by Empowering Success

Empowering success is both a personal and professional journey. Obtaining the dream of my own unique wine label will help establish not only myself as a true marketing success. It will also forever immortalize my people, the Lumbee Tribe of North Carolina.

  1. Personal Branding: Your wine label becomes a powerful tool to establish your personal brand in the competitive wine industry. It provides you with a unique identity that resonates with like-minded individuals and attracts loyal customers. Like me, I want my wine label and wine behind it to stand out.
  2. Exclusivity in Fine Wines: Owning your wine label gives you the freedom to handpick and market exclusive fine wines that align with your vision. This exclusivity appeals to discerning wine enthusiasts and collectors who appreciate the rarity and distinctiveness of your selections. Having my own unique label that symbolizes my culture, will also ensure that we will never be forgotten.
  3. Creative Expression: Designing your wine label enables you to showcase your creativity and storytelling abilities. Your label becomes an art form that conveys depth and meaning. It will captivate the hearts of wine lovers and elevate your brand.

The Wonder of Achieving Your Dream

empowering success

Creating and owning your unique wine label is a testament to dedication and passion for the world of wines. This dream-come-true moment will fill me with pride and a sense of accomplishment. As I share my story with others, it becomes an inspiration for aspiring wine entrepreneurs to pursue their ambitions and showcase their individuality. I hope that others follow my journey through not only the wine culture but also as a women in the business world, they will become empowered. They will get the courage and start developing their own dreams.

As a result, I hope to inspire others to never give up on their dream. To always be true to yourself. But most of all, follow the beat and path of your own heart and goals. Don’t let others sway you in your determination to better yourself. Follow your dreams.

How Bad Do You Want To Success

There is a story that I love to tell. When people tell me that they cannot do something. Whether it is lack of drive, determination or money, I give them my story of the story of the addict. It is not pretty but it does have a point. Any reason not to do something, no matter how important you think it is, it is still only an excuse.

This is the story:

A crack-head doesn’t let anything stop them from getting their next fix. You never hear them say,”I don’t have time, “it costs too much”, “I can’t find a way”, “it is too hard, too difficult or I give up”. They just make it happen no matter what it takes with NO EXCUSES!!.

I looked at him and said, Yep you are right but what has that got to do with you? Then he showed me the last line. It simply stated this:

Are you going to let them out do you?

Impact on Other Accomplishments, Desires, Goals, and Dreams

The determination to get your own wine label can have a profound impact on various aspects of your life. It instills confidence, resilience, and a belief in the power of dreams. As I empower success to achieve my label, it opens doors to new opportunities in the wine industry. As a result, I can encourage participating in wine tasting events,. Enable myself by connecting with vineyards and winemakers, and exploring unique partnerships.

Furthermore, this accomplishment can ignite a spark in pursuing other goals and desires, both within the wine industry and beyond. My ultimate goal is to show myself that any thing I set out to accomplish can be achieved. This is only the beginning. The journey of creating my unique wine label serves as a reminder of what I can achieve when I put your heart and soul into my dreams.

Moreover, I hope that with my success, I am able to encourage others. If I can achieve this purpose or even come close, it will give me and hopefully others, the power to go further. No matter the endeavor, the journey is there. The map is written, and the path is before us. We just need to take that first step.

There is no need to run. Start with just that first step. Put one foot in front of the other. Walk down the path you have select. Get your bearings. Build your confidence and determination to finish. Before you now it, you will be running.

Empowering Success Conclusion But Not The End

In conclusion, empowering success with my unique wine label story is a transformative journey that embodies my individuality and determination. It is a celebration of my personal growth and creative expression. Owning my own unique wine label allows me to establish a powerful personal brand. Market exclusive fine wines. But most of all, leave a lasting impression on the wine community. Moreover, I hope it serves as an inspiration to others. Encouraging them to chase their dreams. Embrace their uniqueness. But ultimately, unleash their potential.

So, raise a glass. See my unique wine label. And let’s toast to a future filled with passion, success, and dreams realized. Cheers!


empowering success by creating and obtaining my own unique wine label


Contact us so that we can help you find that something extra to help you become more financially secure

Getting your contact information is not always for spam messages. We genuinely would like you to contact us for more information about anything that you see on this site.

As times change, we are all looking for more opportunities and ways to do things differently. Whether it is shopping, entertainment or even working. The online community is a plethora of information for just that.

About Us

This site is dedicated to the online shopper and business person. But, you may not think you are either. With the onset of COVID-19, the world discovered that the internet is their new best friend. You can do everything from shopping, marketing, making money, conduct business meetings to even education and training. All from the comfort of your home.

As a result, this is have complied various subjects that will interest anyone looking for something unique, exciting and easy to get started with. We have the best of both worlds, business and personal all combined in one space. If you see anything that you would like to chat about, please don’t hesitate to fill out the form below or contact us through the information provided.

New Ideas to Contact Us About

As you browse through this site, you may stumble across something that you would like more information about. For example, we have a program that is a saving discount club. It has a discount for everything from entertainment to insurance and just any anything in between. With a lost membership fee of $20 a month, the savings from one trip or prescription will be well worth the monthly membership fee.

If you haven’t had a chance to look, visit the page while you are here. This link will take you right to the page to read all about this amazing savings club and how you can benefit from it both personally and financially.

Ways to Make Money

Contact us for more information on how to use web 3.0 for ways to make online income

If you are looking for ways to make some additional income, the you definitely want to contact us. We have several different programs all gears towards working from home. If you have a computer, are teachable an willing to learn and listen, we can help you get started on a new career path in the online marketing world.

Once we get you started, we will then assign you to your own personal consultant who will train you in all aspects of the marketing world of online marketing. To see what we do and how we do it, watch the video below. You will also find a link to a free book that you can read at your leisure about our specific program and how it works.

Online Marketing Projects

If you are savvy in the way you communicate with others, are not afraid to talk to strangers and have a fun and outgoing personality, then you definitely need to contact us. We have several online marketing projects that work on the team building platform. You make money as your team builds and grows. With our training and ability to help you with leads and support, you can build a phenomenal team. As your team grows, you all will reap the benefits of financial gain and stability.

The best part is that we have several marketing project that you can work in tandem. Without them getting in the way of each other, you can literally build a team and business all over world. You and your team will not be hampered by the economy of one state or country. With the ability to market worldwide, you will be able to create a stable marketing team and business.

Again, for more information, contact us at the information below. Or, fill out the form and we will contact you.

My Personal Contact Information

Most companies don’t necessarily want to contact your personally. However, I would love to have a chat with you. Just to say thank you for visiting my site. But, also, if you are really interested in starting something new, looking to supplement your income or just want to see what we are all about, please fill out the form below. I will then be able to contact you through email, text or phone call.

However, if you want to get touch with me, please don’t hesitate to text me. My information is below. I look forward to hearing from you too.

  • Name: Shelia Matchett
  • Website: Shop with MamaChief at :
  • Text Number: 704-558-5257
  • Email:
  • LinkedIn:
  • Instagram: @Mamachief3

Let’s have a chat and get to know each other. We will see where you will fit best in our program and get you started. The rest is up to you. We look forward to talking with you soon.

Fill out this form for us to contact you.

No Need To Drink Cheap WINE!!!

Drink wine even during a recession.  Cost is not as much as you think if you are in this wine club.

Drink Wine!!! During the French Revolution, the queen was quoted to say “let them eat cake” to the staving people. Let’s just say it didn’t sit well with the common folks. However, whether the political populous wants to admit it or not, we are in a recession.

As a result, money is tight. Jobs are disappearing and supply and demand is going through the roof. Resulting in higher prices for our consumable goods and services. What we used to consider a luxury gets set aside to save money. Essentials become our key focus. But that doesn’t mean you need to drink cheap wine. The results could be very harmful to your health. Being a part of an exclusive fine wine club, can not only save you money, but help you make an income and still enjoy the benefits of a truly fine wine.

In our wine club, you can purchase a bottle of fine wine for as little as $25 -$30 bottle. And you will not suffer from headaches.

Let me explain.

Difference in Cheap Wine and Fine Wine

Cheap wines, I consider, are massed marketed wines. They are produced strictly for profit with little taste. It is a know fact that these companies add arsenic to their wines. This chemical actually speeds up the fermentation process and makes the wines sweeter. They also add more sulfites to help with the preservation, storing and fermentation process.

drink wine for your health.  A glass of red wine before bed will help you relax and sleep.  a true fine wine.  Not a wine punch.

These added chemical is not healthy for the body. It cannot process them. Arsenic over time actually poisons the body and can kill you. So, if you drink cheap wines daily with your meals, over time you can actually cause your body harm.

On the other hand, a truly fine wine takes time. It is aged in barrels over time. Natural fermentation is through the grape itself and the ability, the skin and seeds. Natural sulfites in the grape over time helps continue the fermentation process. The flavoring comes from the grape and the elements in which is is grown.

If you consume a true fine wine, make in Napa and Sonoma valley, then you will not suffer from those pesky headaches and other problems that you may encounter by drinking cheap wine. Drink a fine wine and enjoy yourself.

Drink Wine for Your Health

Did you know that true fine red wines have a health benefit to them. Having a glass of red wine before bed helps you relax. It enables you to sleep better. A true fine red wine also helps with cardiovascular function and heart health. To read more about this visit my blog page.

The Wine Culture in America that Drinks Wine on a Budget

During prohibition, the wine culture basically become nil. We lost a whole culture during that time. However, it is growing again. The wine culture is growing knowledge of wine, its benefits, food pairings and social status. Most people in the wine culture are part of a wine club. That enables them to experience different wines from other places as well as get some tasting notes on those wines.

Here is a great some from Adele named ” I drink Wine”. It tells about how she is getting to know herself, discover who she is and find her place in the world and enjoy a glass of wine.

Now most people think that being a part of the wine culture is expensive. Well, it isn’t. Our wine club allows you to get 4 bottles of wine for less than $125. Now most people think that $30 a bottle is too much. But it really isn’t. Better yet, let me give you some tips on how to enjoy these fine wines from this wine club on a budget.

Drink Wine on a Budget

make money online with our amazing wine club.  Shop with MamaChief has what you are looking for.
  1. Share the club with others. You can do this in two ways. Split the club expenses with another couple or person. That way you can share the cost. That way you don’t have to drink cheap wine. You will have the joy of enjoying fine wine with your food.
  2. Invite others to join the club with you. As you gain customer, you can earn your wine for free. Nothing tastes better than free wine. When you refer three or more people to join your wine club with you, your wine then become free every month.
  3. Build a business with the wine club. Did you know that you can earn an income by sharing this with others. In this recession, you can build a wine business that is virtually recession proof.

Drink Wine and Pair with Food For An Amazing Taste Experience

Drinking cheap wine will not give you the experience you are looking for. With all the added chemicals, it changes the taste of your food. A true fine wine when paired with the right food really enhances the dining experience.

Our wine of the month club show you how to drink wine and pair it with the correct foods. Training your palate for a better taste experience is one of the benefits of joining the wine culture. No matter how bad the economy is, you don’t have to drink cheap wines. With the wine of the month, you can continue to be a part of the wine culture and enjoy exclusive fine wines for cheap wine pricing.

Discount Club – All Under One Roof

Discount club is a great way to save money on the things you enjoy most. However, finding that perfect club isn’t always easy. Not every club offers exactly what you are looking for. As result, you settle for something a little less and end up joining several different clubs in order to get all the things you want.

At our discount club, we offer just about everything you will ever need all under one roof. I mean you can literally spend days or even weeks exploring all the options you have available to you. The choice is really up to you. With three different membership packages to choose from, you can customize your discount club membership to suit the needs of you and your family. Have a look and see which membership package best fits those needs.

Discount Club Scams

Unfortunately, there are some discount clubs out there are not exactly what they advertise. They are in fact scams. Either they don’t exist or the products, goods and services they offer are not what they appear to be. For example, every joined a travel club because they advertised an amazing, too good to be true deal but you really wanted to have that experience? Then after you joined with that club, selected the trip your product you wanted only to be told that it was sold out? Then you are presented with another option for the same trip but at a higher price?

Well, this is not that type of discount club. It is actually a members only program that gives you access to several different discount offers all under one roof. You just need to look at the various packages to see which membership fits the needs of you and/or your family.

Discount Club Savings Tailored to Your Needs

Also with most discount savings clubs, you purchase a membership for things that you really are not interested in or will never use. You feel like you are literally throwing your money away. They really don’t offer you any other solutions to get the few things you want most. So, you end up getting several memberships packages spread over multiple discount clubs and end up spending more than you are saving.

Here you have the option of viewing what each option has to offer and selecting the membership choice that best suits the needs you and your family have. From shopping, dining, travel and insurance, business and tech savvy ventures, it is all here under one roof. Look at the various options and have a better understanding of your choices.

Level 1 – Gold Membership – $20/month fee

This is our basic membership. Most people get this membership just to see if it is real. It gives you options such as access to:

  • 850,000 Hotel Discounts
  • Dining, Shopping & Entertainment
  • Prescription savings
  • Health and Dental
  • Credit repair

Level 2 – Platinum Membership – $100/month fee

Our platinum membership options in our discount club gives you access to all the above plus many more features and benefits. As your family and personal needs grow, your ability to pay for the needed expenses that occur will also grow. As a result, having those discounts and saving options become more valuable. So, you may need to look for other options to save. Our Level 2 Platinum membership may be what you need.

Below are our most outstanding features of our Level 2 Platinum Membership options.

  • 850,000 Hotel Discounts
  • Dining, Shopping & Entertainment
  • Employee Discount Program
  • Family Legal Plan
  • Free Simple Will
  • Global Travel Assistance
  • SHG Mentors Club

As you can see with this option, you have access to more substantial things. As we get older and our family grows, having a will and legal services are essential. But as you know these can also be expensive. With our discount club, you have access to discount prices with million-dollar results.

Level 3 – Titanium Membership – Best savings value – $199/month membership fee

Titanium membership has access to:

Titanium Founder
(Most Popular)


Refer 4 and pay no more

  • 850,000 Hotel Discounts
  • Dining, Shopping & Entertainment
  • Employee Discount Program
  • Family Legal Plan
  • Free Simple Will
  • Global Travel Assistance
  • SHG Mentors Club
  • Exclusive Travel Agent Pricing
  •  FREE 24-hour Doctors on Call
  • Free 24-Hour Roadside Assist
  • Aetna Dental – Save up to 50%
  • Vision Discount – Save up to 60%
  • Save up to 85% on Prescriptions
  • FREE Financial Help Line
  • FREE Tax Help Line
  • FREE Annual Tax Preparation
  • Titanium 4-Diamond Vacation Layaway ($2,000 value)
  • 3-Day / 2-Night Hotel Getaway
    (Up to $350 value)
  • Grocery Savings ($1,000 value)
  • Credit Repair Software ($297 value)
  • Titanium Call Center ($1,800 value)

Now if you want to plan for your future from the very start and have all your bases covered, then you definitely want our Level 3 Titanium Membership package. It not only encompasses Levels 1 and 2 but includes several other benefits as well.

Leave all doubts, insecurities, fears, speculation and stress about insurance, medical, dental and even your last will and testament under this roof. Have peace of mind that you can enjoy a restful vacation and know that you didn’t break the bank to enjoy it. Enjoy that shopping experience, either online or in person without feeling the guilt of overspending. Our discount club allows you to enjoy your hard earned money without the guilt that you are overindulging. With savings and other options available to you, you can turn your discount savings club into a money making, earning machine.

Membership Has Its Privileges – Referral program

With membership in our Discount club, you can refer 4 people to join you and you will have your membership paid for. Yes, this membership discount savings club has a referral program. Not only will you get access to these discount programs, but you can actually earn while saving. I call that a win/win situation.

I know that you know someone that is in the same boat you are in. And they are sinking fast. Paying too much for insurance. Not able to take a vacation. Not sure if they can afford grocery. Don’t let them stress any longer. Have them join you in this solution and help take the stress off of some of the decisions they have to make.

Show them this Members only discount club and how it can benefit them both personally and financially. It may change their whole outcome on life and the enjoyment to be found in just living.

Join Now and start saving and sharing.

Your decision could make the difference in someone’s life.

Other Discount Club to Club options

discount club can also be a great way to earn income through referral programs.

Did you know that there are other club to club options out there. These clubs not only give you discounts on their goods and services, but also allow you make money too. One such company even has a 5-year retirement options. Can you imagine working as hard for yourself that you do for your current job for five years and then have the ability to retire. Not only retire but keep your current income. How amazing is that. Even better, if you have the potential to keep going after 5 years, you can. Make as much as you want and when you reach an income you are comfortable with, you can retire and never have to work again. Want more information on this membership club, just follow click here and read all about it.

Membership Has Its Privileges

Get Amazing discounts on shopping, dining, vacation, dental and health all under one roof.  Check it out now.  For as little as $20 a month, join this Discount Savings Club.

Membership has its privileges is a slogan that you all have heard as some point in your life. But what does that mean? To me, it is just what it implies. Being a member of anything makes your stand out, be a cut above the rest and just shows that your tastes are a bit more cultured and refined than that of the average individual. No matter what you say, being in a member’s only club just makes you feel special

The perks of joining a membership club are just amazing. Now don’t get me wrong, not everything we want or need is part of a club, but there are some wonderful and much needed programs that are. Membership and discount clubs are out there for you. These membership clubs offer anything from Auto insurance to wine. Let’s have a look at a fee of them.

Club to Club and Memberships

Membership has its privileges with our members only discount savings club.

Did you know that there are people out there that actually look for a club to belong to? There are benefits and perks to belonging to a club. Take boating or yachting for instance. Being in this club comes with the ability to socialize with like-minded people. Having a get together on their boat and yacht helps you fulfill your need to mingle. Imagine the places you will get to see and the boats and yachts and even water craft that you will see.

Other options besides the People are the discounts. Did you know that most membership clubs have special discounts and sales for members only? Some of these discounts are so ridiculous that they cannot be mentioned. People just would not believe it.

Get perks on travel, car and boat insurance, food, clothes and wine. Looking for some insurance? Time to get rid of Cobra, Obama Care or even your job insurance? Have a look at the rates for this program.

Savings Discount Scams

Our membership club is secure and allows you to shop on the internet, save money and have it delivered right to your door

Scams…scams…scams!!! Unfortunately, no matter how legitimate your savings club program is, someone will always be there to copy it and make is a scam. They use the name of a legitimate program and then copy it and use that same information to gain access to what they want.

However, this is not like that. A record can be found of every people you refer. The construction of this program is just what you want. Check out the hotels and motels that you now have access to.

Time to Select your Membership Level – Gold, Platinum or Titanium

This member’s club has three levels to select from. So basically you can select which plans suits your current situation. What I love about this savings club is that I can actually earn my member’s fees by referring others to join this savings club with me. Then they can in turn also refer others and get their membership fees covered by these referral bonuses. It is a win/win situation. So let’s have a look at the three different programs.

Titanium – $199 per month

This is our elite package. It covers just about any situation you may encounter. From auto and home insurance to web building. Need medical, dental and life insurance? With our titanium membership, you have access to the lowest available costs to so many programs.

Your membership in this online discount club gives you access to just about anything you will need to stay healthy, active and looking good

Titanium membership has access to:

Titanium Founder
(Most Popular)


Refer 4 and pay no more

  • 850,000 Hotel Discounts
  • Dining, Shopping & Entertainment
  • Employee Discount Program
  • Family Legal Plan
  • Free Simple Will
  • Global Travel Assistance
  • SHG Mentors Club
  • Exclusive Travel Agent Pricing
  •  FREE 24-hour Doctors on Call
  • Free 24-Hour Roadside Assist
  • Aetna Dental – Save up to 50%
  • Vision Discount – Save up to 60%
  • Save up to 85% on Prescriptions
  • FREE Financial Help Line
  • FREE Tax Help Line
  • FREE Annual Tax Preparation
  • Titanium 4-Diamond Vacation Layaway ($2,000 value)
  • 3-Day / 2-Night Hotel Getaway
    (Up to $350 value)
  • Grocery Savings ($1,000 value)
  • Credit Repair Software ($297 value)
  • Titanium Call Center ($1,800 value)

With this package, have 4 referrals that purchase this package and your monthly membership fee earned. You will basically get your membership fees paid for from your referral fees.

Platinum – $100/month

There are some of you that just doesn’t need all those things listed under the Titanium package. However, there are still options there that you wouldn’t mind having access to later down the line. So, the platinum package may be more to your liking.

Here is what the Platinum package gives you access to for your $100:

With this savings discount club, you can save up to 50% on your vacation options

Platinum Affiliate


Refer 4 and pay no more

  • 850,000 Hotel Discounts
  • Dining, Shopping & Entertainment
  • Employee Discount Program
  • Family Legal Plan
  • Free Simple Will
  • Global Travel Assistance
  • SHG Mentors Club

Again with the referral option, you can earn your membership fees and let your membership club fees get paid through your referrals. The more you refer, the more you can earn. Once your membership has been met, you then earn the remaining monies as a commission or referral bonus. Anyway you look at it, this is a win/win situation.

Gold Membership Option – $20/month

Now I know that there are still our skeptics out there. Or maybe you feel that you just don’t need access to so much. You are young or just set in your ways, but this is just too good to be true. Then you can come into this membership club with our most basic package. However, don’t let the cost of our gold package think it is cheap. There are a lot of options you have available to you in the Gold Package. For $20/month, you really have nothing to lose to just check it out and try some of the options.

The Gold options include:



Refer 4 and pay no more

  • 850,000 Hotel Discounts
  • Dining, Shopping & Entertainment
  • Prescription savings
  • Health and Dental
  • Credit repair

It appears that the list is small. But trust me, there are some amazing options in each of these categories. Just being able to fix your credit will be a tremendous help. Your credit is your stability in this world. With poor credit, you find yourself in a limited position. This membership will allow you to have access to the credit repair programs and help you restore your credit.

As with the previous packages, you can also earn your membership fees through the referral program. Just refer 4 people who join with you and your monthly memberships will be earned. No just this month, but every month that your referrals are active. However, keep building and any left over monies will come to you as a referral bonus.

Membership Club and Retirement Options

Membership and retirement what a  concept.  This membership club allows you to earn referral bonuses and retire in 5 years

Consider all the memberships that you have been a part of in your lifetime. How many of them actually allows you to earn a bonus just by referring others to join with you? Better yet, how many of those gives your the option to retire within 5 years, if you have gained your income goals, and still get the same earned bonuses for the rest of your life that you have accumulated at the time of your retirement? I have only found this one program.

If this may be something that you want to have a look at as well, then by all means have a look at this page and see what other options you have available to you. You can find some options available that can help you become financial secure or stable.

Web 3.0 – Decentralization of Information

Web 3.0 Helo medical device family.  A way to monitor your vitals, secure your data and earn crypto and NFT from mining
Web 3.0 medical devices

The internet has come a long way since its inception in the late 1960s. From its humble beginnings as a network for academic and government use, it has grown into a global phenomenon. It touches nearly every aspect of our lives. However, with that growth has come a price. The concentration of power and control in the hands of a few big tech companies. Enter Web 3.0, the next generation of the internet. This technology promises to decentralize information and give users more control over their data.

Visit and enter promocode: INP841225848 for a 10% discount at checkout!!! On these Web 3.0 wearable medical devices that will enable to you earn crypto, monitor your health metrics and keep your data secure.

What is Web 3.0?

Web 3.0, also known as the decentralized web, is the next evolution of the internet. Unlike the current version, which is primarily based on centralized servers and controlled by a few big players, Web 3.0 is built on decentralized technologies like blockchain and peer-to-peer networks. This means that information is not stored in one central location. But rather, distributes cross many different nodes. This makes it more secure and resistant to censorship.

It is characterized by the use of decentralized technologies such as blockchain, which allows for greater security, transparency, and control of data. Web 3.0 is built on the idea of decentralization, where users can interact with each other and digital content without the need for intermediaries. It promises to transform the way we interact with the internet and with each other, allowing for greater collaboration and innovation. In essence, Web 3.0 is about creating a more open, transparent, and decentralized internet that empowers individuals and communities.

All it takes is a visit to: Visit . Select your device and enter promocode: INP841225848 for a 10% discount at checkout!!! Then download the Inpersona app and Helo apps to start your journey on protecting and securing your health data. And starting mining crypto and earning NFT.

Features and Benefits of Web 3.0

One of the key features of Web 3.0 is decentralization. By distributing data across many different nodes, it becomes much more difficult for any one entity to control or manipulate it. This has a number of benefits, including greater privacy and security for users, as well as increased transparency and accountability.

Another key feature of Web 3.0 is the use of smart contracts. These are self-executing contracts with the terms of the agreement written into code. This allows for automated and trustless transactions. Therefore, making it possible for individuals and organizations to conduct business without the need for intermediaries.

Blockchain, NFTs, and Decentralization of the Web

With Web 3.0, you can get these secure medical devices from helohealth and be on your way to take control of your own health data and earn crypto

Blockchain is a decentralized ledger technology that is at the heart of Web 3.0. It is a distributed database that maintains a continuously growing list of records, called blocks. These are then linked and secured using cryptography. This makes it possible to create a secure and tamper-proof record of transactions. Which now can be used for everything from financial transactions to voting.

NFTs, or non-fungible tokens, are a type of digital asset that use blockchain technology to verify ownership and authenticity. They are unique and cannot be exchanged for another asset on a one-to-one basis, unlike cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin or Ethereum. Thereby, using NFTs in a variety of ways, from digital art to collectibles to virtual real estate.

Secure Health Data and Web 3.0

One area where Web 3.0 has the potential to make a significant impact is in healthcare. With the increasing amount of health data generated by wearable devices and other sources, there is a growing need for secure and decentralized storage and sharing of this data.

Web 3.0 is revolutionizing the way health data is stored, managed, and shared. It offers a more secure, decentralized, and personalized approach to healthcare.

With Web 3.0 principles, individuals can have complete control over their health data. They are able securely share it with healthcare providers when necessary. Blockchain technology, in particular, is playing a crucial role in ensuring the security and privacy of health data. In addition, decentralized apps and medical health devices like Inpersona and Helo are contributing to the advancement of Web 3.0. In areas like healthcare, providing patients with secure and personalized tools. Which enable them to track their health metrics and control their own data.

Inpersona and Helo – Decentralized App and Medical Health Devices Using Web 3.0

Inpersona and Helo are two examples of how Web 3.0 technologies are being used to create decentralized applications. These Apps can help individuals take control of their health data. Inpersona is a decentralized identity platform. It allows users to create and control their own digital identity. On the other hand, Helo is a suite of medical health devices that can track various health metrics. Metrics like heart rate, blood pressure, and sleep patterns.

By combining these two technologies, users can have complete control over their health data. They then have the ability to share it securely and selectively with doctors and other healthcare providers. And with the addition of blockchain and NFTs, users can even earn crypto and NFTs . How, by following healthy habits and achieving their health goals.

In Conclusion

In conclusion, Web 3.0 represents a major shift in the way we think about the internet. But, also the role it plays in our lives. By decentralizing information and putting control back in the hands of users, this technology ensures that we take and maintain control of our health data.

Web 3.0 is the next generation of the internet that focuses on decentralization, security, and personalization. It aims to:

With Web 3.0, you can get these secure medical devices from helohealth and be on your way to take control of your own health data and earn crypto
  • provide users with more control over their data.
  • To eliminate the need for intermediaries such as social media companies or
  • healthcare providers to store and manage personal information.
  • In the healthcare industry, Web 3.0 is particularly promising.
  • It enables the secure and decentralized storage and sharing of health data.

Time To Invest In Your Health Data and Security with Inpersona and Helo devices

Inpersona and Helo apps are two technologies that are contributing to the advancement of Web 3.0 in healthcare. Inpersona is a decentralized identity management system. It uses blockchain technology to secure personal information and allow patients to control their own data. Helo is a medical health device that helps individuals track their health metrics in real-time. The system also provides personalized feedback and recommendations.

By combining Inpersona and Helo, patients can have complete control over their health data. Therefore, can securely share it with healthcare providers when necessary. This technology has the potential to improve healthcare outcomes. How, by ensuring that healthcare providers have accurate and timely information about their patients. Which can lead to better diagnoses and more effective treatments. Overall, the combination of Web 3.0 principles with Inpersona and Helo apps is leading the way towards a more secure, decentralized, and personalized healthcare system.

learn about web  3.0 and how to secure and earn from your own data

Again, all it takes is a visit to . Select your device and enter promocode: INP841225848 for a 10% discount at checkout!!! Then download the Inpersona app and Helo apps to start your journey on protecting and securing your health data. And start mining crypto and earning NFT.

Donwload the Inpersona App. Then go to the globe at the bottom of the settings. In the address bar, if not already there, type in “” and select your level 3 NFT. At the checkout, Select your personal invite code from the list below and paste it to your voucher code slot. If your selected code is already claimed, move to the next available code. If no invite code is available, just fill out the form here and I’ll send you an invite code to join this health awareness movement.

  1. Code 1 – ICA9676412558
  2. Code 2 – ICA1751644836
  3. Code 3 – ICA9324442827
  4. Code 4 – ICA0110200447
  5. Code 5 – ICA7752285083
  6. Code 6 – ICA8334377741
  7. Code 7 – ICA9578029162
  8. Code 8 – ICB3416349507
  9. Code 9 – ICB9696071875
  10. Code 10 – ICB6519931632

How To Use Canva – Image Maker

How to use Canva is something I feel every online marketer or business professional should be able to utilize. But some of you don’t even know what Canva is. So, let me explain.

Canva is a multimedia outlet that allows you to create ad content, proposals, presentations, videos, campaigns, new letters, flyers and posters for you to utilizer or make aware your business, idea or professional information to potential clients or business partners.

This program has both a free version as well as the pro version. In this page, you will have access to training on how to use both.

Sign up today for free and get started on your way to creating your own unique images, templates, videos and presentations.

How to Use Canva for Beginners

Using something new can be very scarry and daunting. However, this platform called Canva is very forgiving and can be fun. If you have an idea, there are several elements available to you with the free version to bring your idea to life.

The basics for using Canva for beginners is just to create an account, login and start exploring the site. Se what you have access to in the free program. Once you see what you have, then you have a better idea of what you will be working with. Then you can literally create your own portfolio of ads, memes, videos, flyers, posters and banners for anything. Whether it is to market a product, goods or service, to creating a birth announcement to a party invitation, you will be able to put your personal touch into it.

Becoming the creative genius that is waiting to released is easy to do using Canva. Just sign up for the free program and start exploring the possibilities.

Creating Memes and Images – Basic Technique

Once you become familiar with Canva, you can start creating your own memes and images. Using the templates available, you can edit them to make them your own. Or you can upload an image from your own personal photo collection and use it instead. Having that personal touch in your ads or however you plan to use them, will help you develop your own style and technique.

Once you have selected a template to use from the list provided, then you can personalize the image. Adding text accordingly to the image is a great way to get your message across. You can select various font styles for this. To be more unique, you can also add color to your text. Then if you image is not quite large enough to cover your whole template, then use the background feature to enhance the image.

If you are a marketer, this is also the perfect opportunity to add a link for your product or landing page.

Using Canva for Social Media

Now, once you have created this meme or image, you can save it in your library for later use or publish and download to your file folder on your computer. Then you have it to access for blogging, advertising ad sites or other platforms you may use. However, with the free Canva, you also have access to social media templates.

With that image you have created, you can select the social media platform you want to use it in and then be able to modify that image accordingly. Once it has been modified, you can save it to your folder, such as Dropbox or google docs. Then, select the app on your phone or computer and then upload that image to your social media platform.

Creating Videos – Most Popular For of Media

As you can see, this platform is fun to use. You can take practically any image and make it a marketing tool. In the same aspect, you can create some amazing personal images as well. Invitations, flyers, banners and even business presentation can be used from this platform.

Now, to up the game!! Take those same images and create an amazing video!! Image getting all your family photos together and creating a video for family functions. Adding personal touches to the photo or swirling designs to enhance the image. Add a caption or saying to make it appear as if they are actually talking to to capture a saying from that particular moment in time.

On a professional level, choose one of the video templates that are available for the free Canva program, and create an amazing video or presentation. Once you have mastered the simple step of creating the perfect image, then the other media outlets follow the same process.

Your own creativity and imagination is the only limiting factor. If you can conceive it, you can make it with the free Canva platform. However, if you are looking for more advanced options, then you may want to invest in the Canva Pro platform.

Pro Video

If you are creating a marketing campaign, then utilizing images from that campaign and setting them into motion through video is a great marketing ploy. Most people relate to videos better than images. By creating a video, you will gain more awareness to your product line.

For instance, say that you have a new kitchen accessories line and want to gain awareness to it. Then using your existing images, you can create a selling or promotional video for those products. Let your potential customers see what you have for them. Short, simple and very visual, you will attract more customers to the actual site that an image alone.

Here is an example.

Canva Pro

Now you do have lots of options with the free version of Canva. However, if you want to up your game with more features, options and templates, then the Canva Pro is for you. With more advanced graphics, images and fonts, the Canva Pro includes all the aspects of the free version plus more.

Using the same techniques from the free version, the Pro version just gives you that extra sizzle you may need to enhance your marketing. For personal use, you may not need to upgrade. But, if you are into marketing, especially online marketing, then you will want to upgrade to the Canva Pro. You can opt in for only $12.95 a month or pay for the year in advance and save 10% . You can cancel at any time and still have all your work saved to use at your leisure.

Join Canva Pro today and start creating your own brand!!!

What are you waiting for, let’s start creating!!! Here is a video so you can see how this is done. This video uses the Canva Pro version. Nevertheless, the techniques used are the same for the free version as well. Hope you enjoy this lesson and thank you for participating in this training.

Google AdSense Ready!!!

Google AdSense ready…Well are you? Most people who are just starting a website don’t have any clue what Google AdSense is let alone if they are ready for it. However, it shouldn’t deter you from creating the best website or blog site that you can create.

Are You Google AdSense Ready?  This is where you can learn how to become ready for Google AdSense

Most of the time you create a website or start a blog because you have something you want the world to see or know. Your sites are not always revenue generators so much as just your virtual soap box. Google has found a way to actually help you monetize your site with them for free. There Google AdSense platform is where it is at. If you have this code on your website or blog, it is Google’s stamp of approval. Then the internet world is wide open to you. So, let’s see what you need to do to get started.

What is a Google AdSense Account

First off, let’s explain what Google AdSense is. This is a platform where merchants and advertisers compete for marketing space in the online world through blogs, websites and YouTube. In this highly competitive market format, these advertisers want to make sure that their goods and services are seem by the top rates, Google Approved platforms available. They pay some serious money for space on websites, blog pages as well as YouTube videos.

As a result, Google doesn’t give this opportunity out lightly. They have some strict rules and guideline for these platforms. However, once you are accepted and given Google AdSense approval, you will be ready to allow these advertisers to market on your sites and you reap the reward…in revenue. Once you have that Google AdSense seal of approval, you can set up your Google AdSense account. There you will see click ratio graphic, get placement help as well as business tools you can use to better show your marketing ads.

But let’s not get ahead of ourselves. First you need a platform. So, let’s get one.

How to Start to Get Google AdSense

Everyone knows the web browser Google Chrome. It is one of the most used web platforms. Google also is the most used platform for research and data collection. But where does all of this information come from…WEBSITES, BLOG and SOCIAL MEDIA platforms!!! If you don’t have one, then you definitely need to get on this fast track to online marketing success.

Google AdSense opens the door for your site to invite other advertisers to market with you

There are several ways and companies out there that will help you get your own website. For a fee, you can get a website that is completely blank or one that is created with a template format that you then modify to your specific voice, personality, opinion and style. How can you do this? Well glad you asked. Let’s look at the next step.

Content is KEY to Google readiness!!!

Content, CONTENT, CONTENT!!! Did I say content? Yep, content is the main key to getting Google AdSense ready. Google is first and foremost a big blog platform. However, it is created with the intent to showcase trending and relevant content that relates to what is happening in the world now!! It can be anything from political situation, Hollywood gossip, latest technological advances to the ever popular weight loss and health crisis.

What Google is looking for is that one website, blog, or social media content that supersedes all others in originality, personality, readability as well as overall appeal. This is where your uniqueness stands out!!! Be yourself. Write about what you know.

What do you Know That Will Help You Be Google AdSense Ready?

Everyone is different with different backgrounds and life experiences. If you have a website or blog or Social Media platform, I promise you there is someone out there who needs to hear what you know. Your uniqueness is what the world and Google is looking for. It is what those advertisers are looking for. Your Niche is your key to attracting those readers to you.

Crafters show your stuff.

Give some how-to pages or videos. Teach someone something new. They may be on a budget and buying expensive gifts just isn’t in the cards. Being able to make something from the heart that is unique is exactly what they are looking for. And only you can give it to them.

Technological Experts

bitcoin and blockchain are two relevant topics for Google AdSense

Any tech heads out there. Do you know how many people are desperate to jump into the technological era but are afraid because they don’t know anything? Your simple knowledge on how you got started is what they need. Even some basic tips and pointers could change someone’s life for the better. Get them in a better financial situation or just more confidence to perform at their optimum levels.

Health and Wellness

OMG!!! This is a topic that can literally span the globe. There isn’t a country in this world that is not suffering from obesity, poor eating habits, lack of exercise and general bad health. Tell your story on how you overcame your health issues, lost weight and kept it off and living a better lifestyle could motivate someone else to do the same. Give them your favorite smoothie recipe. Tell them your vitamin regimen. Or if you are like me, give them your SNAP details. Show on your YouTube or Social media platform how to prep and cook your favorite healthy meal. Have a whole page on nothing but healthy recipes. Everyone loves a great recipe.

IN A NUTSHELL…Be yourself and be original!!!!

Original images and Memes

Being original means that everything in your site comes from your point of view. That includes your images. Although there are those who don’t want their own image floating around on the world wide web, you can still use images that you have taken. Use images of your foods that you have prepared. Pictures of some of your vacation retreats. Crafting images always look great on the web.

Google AdSense ready includes creating your own memes and images

If you enjoy those funny memes you read everyday, then go and create your own. They are great tools available for you to use in your web-based platforms. I personally use CANVA to create all my memes and to personalize any image or video that I create. It is a free service but you can also purchase a professional upgrade and access to more tools as well as training seminars on how to utilize this platform.

Doing some remodeling? Show some before and after images. Then give your contract a great page on the job they did for you. Gives them some free ad service and gets you traffic to your site.

Advertising for Traffic is a Must To Get Google AdSense Ready!!!

Now, that you have your web-based platform ready, it is time to advertise. However, don’t wait until everything is complete to start advertising finished pages or blogs. Do it immediately!!! You want to be generating generic traffic to your site all along the way. Invite friends, relatives, acquaintance, coworkers and anyone that you know to visit your website, blog or social media platforms and see what you are doing.

Google AdSense views any one that visits your site from a social media platform as true gold. These are live people that you interact with all the time. It is the perfect place that advertisers want to be. Upfront and personal with your peeps. As your traffic increases, your potential and viability with Google AdSense also increases.

If you have all these factors in place, have some outside sources or affiliates that you can also market as well, you have the perfect formula to Apply to see if your site is Google AdSense ready. When you ready to test your wings, then you will need this link to start the application process.


If you don’t get approved on the first try, please read the information they sent to you as to why. If they don’t give you a clear cut answer, then add more relevant content. Don’t make every page sales related. Have some personal stories, opinions, funny stuff and trending topics in there. And then advertise everywhere. There are several places that you can do that for free!!! Just look on Google for Free Adsite. You will find plenty.

Let’s Wrap It Up!!

I hope this helps you on your path on your journey to Google AdSense ready!!! Just remember when you get Google AdSense, don’t stop writing. Continue to add relevant topics and conversations to your site. Make sure it is always up to date and trending. The more traffic you have coming the more you will be paid for those ads showing up on your site.

Here is my Google AdSense website and blog page.  please enjoy

Below you will find some other interesting tidbits that you may or may not be interested in. The last one for sure you will need to look into if you want to get started with your own blog site with a personal instructor!!! Happy Blogging!!!